Starting Problem

  • Roulph
    8 years ago

    I have a 2004 Softail Deuce EFI recently I have started have a strange problem that has me beat. I have a new battery so that is not the problem. I switch on and hear nothing, normally the oil pump will circulate oil before you push the starter. I puc

    sh the starter and nothing happens. I do this 2 or three times then the engine starts and idles as normal. - Any ideas ????

  • Stewy
    8 years ago
    He's right, oil pump works when engine running..
    Sounds like a bad connection somewhere.
    Check your battery terminals are tight and free of corrosion. .
    Could be a starter solenoid . But if solenoid, you should still hear engine pre start noises
    Could be ignition switch or starter switch,, dirty contacts..
    Try and get some CRC or similar around the contacts and try, not hard to do..
    Does other stuf work when you turn the key on, blinkers horn etc..
    If not ,,could be ignition switch or wiring to it.
    Have a think about that and we,ll go from there..
  • Mr_Bean
    8 years ago

    Try the easy stuff first and swap out your system & starter relays


  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    gday roulph,it seems that when the bike cranks and starts the battery has the goods for that [ so we'll assme the battery is not the problem].first points i would check would be pos and neg terminals for tightness and are they clean at those points on the battery,then at the other end of each lead then continue as the others have suggested [remove the earth before checking pos terninals]hope this helps.
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    should have read stewys post better.
  • the_mongrel
    8 years ago
    These issues can be hard to find... BUT... with some process of elimination you can normally find it.

    SO.... let's go through the process.....

    You turn the key - Do you get blinkers and horn - dash lights up etc etc.... YES = NOT the battery. NO = Could be the terminals on the ON switch. Switch it back and forth - it the lights all start working - There's ya problem.

    Let's say you answered Yes to the above... Then next step is to throw the run switch. Do you hear the fuel pump? YES - Then, it's OK. NO - Throw it a few times - if the pump comes on - could well be the switch.

    If you answered yes to the above, then hit the starter - Does it crank - YES - All good - No - Then push it a few times - if it starts on say push 4, then the switch could be on the way!

    You see... You need to remove items from the equation, or you will chase your tail and end up fixing things that are not broken. Take it slow, and be methodical.