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8-valve 107inch engine in 2017 touring models

  • gidgi
    8 years ago

    Maybe some have seen this.....

  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago

    Here's a video I found through the Aussie HD site showing the guts of the new 8 valve 107 and looks pretty cool as far as internals go. I think that the new single cam four valves per cylinder looks pretty bombproof.

    Not sure if people have seen this yet or not?  

  • Jayman6
    8 years ago
    What can I say? I very nearly traded my Fatbob for a triumph explorer, I've now decided to hold off for another 12 months and this time next year I'll be going down Road Glide boulevarde!!
  • groover
    8 years ago

    They're not noisey with helical gears.

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    They would be with straight cut gears ;-)
    Looking back 9 months and rereading my guesses about the motor I wasn't too far off.
