Sturgis 2017

  • slup
    8 years ago

    Hi, planning to go to Sturgis 2017 with a mate. We have no plans to hire a ride or car, we are hoping to get accommodation in Sturgis or maybe some near by town and hopefully there maybe a daily shuttle bus or the next best thing that will take us daily to and from Stugis. Can some please share their experience at Sturgis, accommodation and transport methods etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • keith
    8 years ago

    Accommodation is always at a premium price over the rally period, I've stayed in Deadwood which is a great party town close by, both times and shared a room which cuts the cost some what ? Never booked ahead also, Depends on your budget again, camping options or cabin shared is the cheapest, thunderstorms & hail are common that time of the year, not sure on shuttle bus,maybe from Rapid City, lots of Google sites. Always some rooms in the area on Craigslist. My personal opinion is its far to crowded at the Sturgis town carnival, try going out to Hulett, Devil's Tower, Sundance, Newcastle and surrounding towns, they party as well without the giant crowds, and have some awesome riding roads Enjoy your trip.

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Beautiful country there