XR1200 electrics

  • Whitey999
    8 years ago

    Hello all,  I have an XR1200 09 model. Bog stock standard, 35000klms. Fueled up the other day, went to start and nothing. Not a glow from anything on the dash. Sat down and checked the obvious, the main fuse, connections etc but still nothing at all. Bike went home in a van, sat for a couple of days before I went out to have a look. Put the key in turned the ignition on and everything lit up, bike started. Now I dont want to take a bike that is not showing any symptoms to the bike shop and be told theres nothing wrong but not real comfortable goiing for a long ride. Any ideas ? Do they have a main relay that supplies power to everything ?

  • daddyracer56
    8 years ago

    inner battery cable loose , happens all da time on late sporty's , i heated & bent a 10m.m. ring spanner for da job's 'its a bitch to get too , da person's that service da bike should check this on da day, cheers Bob

  • Whitey999
    8 years ago

    Thanks mate, looked at that on the day. I had swapped out the battery for a Motobatt and new the pita that earth strap is.

  • Whitey999
    8 years ago

    I will take you up on the diagnostics manual mate,that would be good to have. In the meantime I will check the fuses and relays. For there to be nothing and then come back from just sitting sounds like a relay. I might just replace them, will have to pull the old one apart and check the contacts. my email is whitey999@bigpond for the manual if it's digital, if not let me know and we can do a mailing address.

  • Whitey999
    8 years ago

    Thanks StinkFinger great to get those. By the way, I cleaned up all the fuses, carbon grease etc,pulled the battery out and got it load tested, 200 cca 10.6v for 10 seconds. When I was putting it back in I noticed how piss fart small the two main cables are. Ripped em both out and made two new ones, twice the square area of wire. Put it all back together and pushed the button, NO hesitation, not on compression, not cold, not hot. It starts as a motor should. Trouble is when you change/fix many things at once your never quite sure what did it. I could put the small cables back in and see but f%#k it, Im just going to enjoy the XR. A little Opcon blower is next.