Bit of a belated intro, I signed up a while ago but hadn't gotten the Harley yet so didnt post much.
I've been riding for a little bit now, grew up around Harleys but was never really interested in owning one at that point.
Stumbled on the FXR model and knew it was right up my alley. Big twin in a good handling package? Yes please.
Took me a good 6 months to find a good one, but ended up stumbling on one a local guy in Canberra was building up after putting a WTB ad on Gumtree.
Met up with him, had a look at the bike and knew it was the one. He used to run a shop now just builds mates bikes and FXR's. This one was built up from an imported 82 frame.
Not an original bike by any means, but a very well sorted rider. FXDX front end, rebuilt tranny with Jims & Andrews bits, rewired to 96+ wiring, full deutsch connectors etc, basically all new seals, gaskets, bearings & belts throughout.
Ive done a little bit since I got it, exhaust, rear suspension etc. EV27 (or 46?) and S&S steel breather to come.
Anyway, here's a pic, and some of the other rides in the garage.
R1 did 10.4 for anyone curious haha
Welcome John .
Welcome mate
Welcome John........gotta luv R1's unbelievable power.........the latest model now has wheelie control function