Online: WideglidingNZ

Harley Assist

  • mak7865
    8 years ago


    Who is harley Assist, 

    I originally joined thinking they were part of HD and they would know their HD's.

    It was only when a made the fatal mistake of actually needing them, they sent out a guy who new nothing about a MC, let alone an HD. He didnt even know where the ignition was.

    I contacted their office, to find out its all run by a call centre on the gold coast.

    They cannot diagnose a problem or even jump start an HD, 

    I wouldnt let them near my bike.

    A message to the Australian MD for for HD. If you keep using this dodgy organisation, I will never buy another Harley again.  The service is crap.

    Cmon HD, what the Fxxxoweudc are you doing putting associating your brand with an insurance company.

    A message to all HD dealers, Harley Assist is going to damage your business.



  • `fish
    8 years ago
    Was it part of Allianz?

    I think they do BMW Roadside.
  • Bobber T
    Bobber T
    8 years ago
    All manufacturers that offer roadside assist utilize the local auto club (RACQ/RAA etc) or the underwriting insurer for road side assist services. I am not aware of a single manufacturer of bikes, or cars that uses their own resources for this service. Unfortunately the best mechanics are generally earning a living in a workshop, so they dont need to be running around jump starting cars and changing tires.
  • graz
    8 years ago

    As Pauly said. Read the fucking PDS. It is very fucking clear. Assistance mechanically is limited to flat battery or running out of fuel. Most other problems are sorted by towing to a dealer. Accomodation and car rental costs are covered if need be. Accident coordination is covered. Also badly maintained bikes or generally fucking up wont be covered. It was all explained when I bought my new bike and received complimentary 2 year cover. I will be renewing it when the time comes. If you dont like it dont have it.

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    I don't think I'm asking too much.

  • Oldbugger
    8 years ago
    Hi am considering purchasing a HD. But am a bit concerned as having read this article (Please Read) it is reference to the problematic cam rollers and other items. is there a modification for this, is this factual. What would the cost be to modify and it is a major problem why hasn't HD USA sorted it.

    Any assistance greatly appreciated