Online: Lushy, Hilly

Fined for non-complying helmet

  • Colstah
    8 years ago
    I'd have admitted to being seriously stupid, but I'm just not that serious.

    There are any number of times I'd choose to ride without a helmet if there weren't laws that have (apparently) been made to save me from myself .....

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    bit like the first day at kindergarten really,thems the rules go and play.
    i suppose if the man at the top says we must do something,most go along...but if its your choice....its your choice,bit like brand of beer,food we eat,colour of bike ect.cheers
  • FXDWG06
    8 years ago
    Freedom of choice is Great! We don't have much of it anymore thanks to ASHOLES with opinions like you!
  • FXDWG06
    8 years ago
    That was for Kato.
  • Kato
    8 years ago



    Respect one's opinion - that's all it is dude ( chill down eh ?) 

    Plus at least use spellcheck when you are going to curse someone - toss factor 9/10

    ( I mean really )

    Get  a Nolan N21 Lario helmet for your birthday - you'll love it I'm sure ( I did ) 



    8 years ago

    I wear this one around Perth and never have had a prob with the cops. Australian/NZ approved and very comfy


  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago
    Kato you still defending your BS position?!!
    I'd really just give it up with the insults and say fair enough and let people
    do their own thing without preaching to them. It's fine to have an opinion as
    YOU of all people should know, like arseholes everyone has an opinion on most
    things and a lot of the time they are opposite. Instead of saying that I believe
    ........ and this is why, you've stated that your view is gospel and anyone who
    thinks otherwise is wrong and a tosser! Nobody is going to respond well to that
    except maybe if you're talking to yourself (as signs point to that being the case)
    so why don't you just let people do their thing without your bullshit toss ratings
    and commentary. I'm really glad for your sake that there's a keyboard and screen
    between you and the people you've pissed off cause I don't think even a grid iron
    helmet would do you much good 5tick or not if you lost the whole hiding behind a
    computer thing and talked to people the way you have been in the manner and tone
    at a forum meet or other event and I for one warmly invite you to announce yourself
    at a forum meet. I'll bring you a soap box (on my word I will) and you can continue
    this little rant of yours on the box like a real man not some little snoody turd keyboard
    Cowboy! I'll even let you ride on the back of my bike like the little bitch you are to get
    there!!! Open offer!
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Thanks Balo.
    I'll check to see if one is happening over here and have a peek at the Open Face.
  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago

    don't overrate the Soapbox,

    bastards smileysmileywink

  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago
    Kato I look forward to our paths crossing. If you think that I've abused you I'll be more than willing to put you on show if you like?!
    You're the arsehole demeaning people's spelling and talking down to them like a toff. What are you doing the n here duuuude go
    pop some pimples in the mirror or something that'll get you some decent results. You aint doing any good here toss boy. Oh do
    put up a pic in your new helmet when you get it wont you bruuuu!

    Yes don't underrate the soapbox! Lol
  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago
    Oh and I'd have a look back over the previous pages and really try to figure out y ppl have taken your comments as insulting to both their views and personal insults. You better believe there's always a bitch on the back, not ones like you though - they aren't virgins that own a moped and think that putting a Harley sticker on it gives them HD forum preacher status. If you can't handle my comments - Tough. Toss factor Kato