Online: Far Canal

Fined for non-complying helmet

  • VanDutch
    8 years ago

    Guys.  Last week on a trip from ACT to the gold coast I was pulled over by NSW cops and they fined me for wearing a non-complying helmet. They said I may be able to appeal the fine.  I purchased the helmet approx 18mths ago from a motorcycle shop. It has the AS sticker on the back.  Anybody had success in appealing a fine of this type and if so what was your defence.



  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    What helmet was it mate?
  • VanDutch
    8 years ago

    It was one of the close fitting open face helmets.

  • Cruise 62
    Cruise 62
    8 years ago

    If it has the AS sticker on it, what was the basis of the infringement?

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Was it really a compliant helmet or a novelty (non complying helmet) with an AS sticker on the back?
  • softfat
    8 years ago
    More to this story...........

  • FXST11
    8 years ago
    I believe they also must have the stitched label inside which also has a date stamped on when it was made.
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    I agree that more information is required so that better responses can be made.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Sounds like one of those really low profile novelty ones with a silver compliance sticker added. ( Feel free to correct me VanDutch )

    I really like my low profile novelty helmet. It is just so lightweight compared to my full face one and does not seem to catch the wind so much at higer speed.

    Luckily the plod round here do not seem to worry about helmets too much provided you are actually wearing one.

    When it comes to the crunch I know it is not legal and will cop the fine. However on longer interstate rides a legal full face one seems to be a better choice especially where the plod are more enthusiastic upholding the laws.

    Beats me why a helmet maker cannot come up with a really low profile open face helmet that can be legally used? There would be a veritable fortune to be made from having a product like that for sale. At the moment the novelty low profile ones are dearer to buy than a legal open facer. How wierd is that?

  • Kato
    8 years ago

    I cannot understand how on earth you can wear one of these low profile helmets 

    -'how do you protect ya chin / face as it slides across the bitchumen ( it can happen) 

    - the wind / rain / sun makes it even more appealing  ( are you serious)

    Fair dinkum they look like a kids helmet . FORGET about how you look .... It's about being practical . For example there is no peak on the helmet .... What ride along with your left hand acting as a sun visor to the front of your helmet ( seriously ) 

    Is looking KOOL that important ( then again I ride with a orange jacket so I can be seen ) It's saved my life as I can be seen ( sorry but black jackets and black bikes are a recipe for disaster it does look cool I'll grant you that . Interested in peoples thoughts though 




  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Can't imagine why he would have been singled out wearing a smart looking helmet like this smiley

  • Kato
    8 years ago

    Helmets like the one displayed - are you serious 

    too many rules some say but as one said he wished he could ride without a helmet 

    that's seriously stupid ( no wonder some rules are invoked to protect one from oneself) 

    The beard though will assist with the inevitable fall or 2 plus looks cool as at 120 kph flappn back and forth . Sunnies will assist with debris from the road too I expect 

    let's break outta kindy tommorrow everyone ( keep it a comin) 


  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    ^^^ Or our exhausts too loud ?^^^

    Generally I like to be polite to people Kato.......ah well, never mind.

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago


    way back when we were free to vote out our rites to be free

  • Kato
    8 years ago

    Dude - an exhaust can never be too loud . Except for the V and H big radius .... That's just too much and reverberates off the bitchy ( hence the sound ) 

    Toss factor 9/10 - just like the porridge skid lid for ya melon 



  • Kato
    8 years ago
    If anyone had / has an opinion on my old enduro lid - absolutely fine by me . Whilst it looks odd it does all and a while lot more than a skid lid could ever do . If anyone disagrees Toss factor 3/10

    One has to try and overcome the "look" of being on a HD . Its
    form over function I think the saying is
    I simply displayed a view of skid / porridge lids - simple as that .
    You did some research on previous posts of mine and that's good attention to detail
    But why bother

    Anyone caught with a porridge lid and a face mask ..... PLEASE shoot me ( no teeth on the face mask thanks)
    Toss factor 10/10
  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago

    Kato do you wear a seatbelt on your rides or have you rigged up some kind of ejector seat that shoots out a parachute to gently glide your safe precious soul to the ground (where I'm sure your knee and elbow pads will protect your moisturizer skin from the evils of that nasty road) every time you notice there is a drop of water or God forbid OIL on the road? Seriously dude if you ride a bike you take an inherent risk, no one tells you how to ride your bike or gives you shit about your fighter plane ejection seat, so what gives you the moral high ground to preach to others. You should do less tossing and factor what you're saying or better yet get a car with 50 air bags and you'll be able to lecture everyone about how having 2 in your car isn't enough. 

  • Kato
    8 years ago


    i merely offered an opinion - imagine you getting pulled up by a cop with the attitude you have . Take my view "as it is" in the same way I take yours - simple. Don't like it ...,all good just move on . If you like a porridge helmet and face mask with teeth of flames in it RIDE ON BRO . Just sayi it does look odd . But so do j with a off road helmet with a peak in it .... Thems the breaks 


    I cannot see oil and rain ever putting me off I must say 


  • Nirvana ride
    Nirvana ride
    8 years ago

    I suppose a kiss is outa the question!! 

    Mate as far as I'm concerned once you start rating things with your "toss factor ratings" not only does it give all who read your posts a pretty clear insight into your thinking and attitude but is an invitation for me to take the piss outa a person that frankly has glass balls seeing as your so worried that all those that choose to do their thing have to listen to a load of shit commentary from their safety through to your opinions on pipes. Seriously Mr toss factor how about a big tounger- oh you don't go for the open face thing lol. Tuck yer pants into your socks and move on dude! 
