Online: WideglidingNZ

Just up graded my Lights

  • walka
    8 years ago

    Just fitted some Day Makers to my Bike and very happy with the results. I got them from Mal Hurst, Forum Member music , he sell them as a complete kit with 7" Head Light, & 2 Spot Lights,with the Cradle to fit them on Pre 2014 Bikes and the Wiring Plug for 2014 and UP $390.00 delivered



  • Odin
    8 years ago
    they look good Walka
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    They look good as a set, giving the front of the bike a nice look.

    Well done.
  • FLHuTChU
    8 years ago
    Look good. Good price. Do they come in black Ian?
  • walka
    8 years ago
    Yes I think he dose do the Black Sets.
  • Rivo
    8 years ago
    The lights look great Walka, how do I get a hold of the supplier, interested in upgrading mine on my 2005 Roadking
  • walka
    8 years ago
    his number is 0407 008 008
  • Crowy
    8 years ago
    Could you tell me,
    How do they perform ??
    10-20-30-40-50% better?
    Are they a simple plug n play ?
    Thank you

  • walka
    8 years ago

    100 % Better than the stock lights, Because mine is a 2012, I had to change the Headlight Bucket, but the kit did have the corect bucket that was only 4 screws to change it

    The Head light was streight plug in, I had to crip some termals on to the Spots, The whole set up was on  in 45 Min 

  • Crowy
    8 years ago

    100% Wow
    My stock lights on my 2011 RK arnt that flash
    Sounds like a good upgrade for me
    Thank you Walka
  • walka
    8 years ago

    Yep, Sportster Gone sadly

    the lights are awsome , i can see

  • walka
    8 years ago
    You guys can Flog any thing you like I dont mine ,,,, we are all Flogs here
  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Hi there. Bought and installed a Hog lights headlight a couple weeks ago. Used the hdforum member code and got a discount with free delivery. Due to a problem with the courier, the delivery took a bit longer than is normal. Nathan from hoglights kept me updated at all stages of the process.

    The lights are a lot brighter than the single candle I had as OE. The old deuce headlight is a heavy unit at the best of times and the LED insert is heavier again. I could never get the bolt tight enough to hold the light steady so I got a small piece of clear nylon fuel hose and wedged it under the light between the triple tree. The light is very secure now.

    You can see my little bullethd pro crash camera installed to the right of the headlight.

    What do you think of the instal? 

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    8 years ago

    Nice install Steelo , but ..... You,re in the wrong section  . Back to the Softail section you go . One day you will surprise us with a pic in the Your Ride part of Touring . Insert smiley face .

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Oops. Missed the touring part and just saw the "upgraded my lights" part. Can't I just play with the big boys? blush 

  • graz
    8 years ago

    Anyway Steelo. Does it work well. Have been thinking about upgrading. Just something else on the list.

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Hi Graz. In the shed it works a treat. Out on the road, daytime riding mates say they can see me in the rear view mirrors now (even a way back) and don't have to slow down.  Haven't ridden it at night yet. Have a look on the Lascelles trip. Something to think about as a future upgrade.

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Steelo, we'll be able to compare the different lights at Lascelles.

    It will be interesting to see the difference.

    Basically we can light up the weekend for everyone!

    I agree that the units are heavy. There was quite some weight in the aux lights as well with them just fitting in to the housing.
  • G T
    G T
    8 years ago

    OK, back to the original post (close the door on the way out Steelo)

    I contacted Mal with the price at $390 and had to wait for new stock. Bought a set with the dark lenses at the new price (Walka's ebay link) for $265 so very cheap.

    Wired up the spoties, Red+ / Black- and nothing. swapped them around, all OK. The headlight was a bit larger than the mounting bucket, so I modified it to suit. I think I read somewhere that the right size is available, but it was easy to do.

    Have not been anywhere to test them yet, but happy with the look of the dark lenses and they look bright.
