Online: John.R, Rextheute2022

Life is so Dynamic

  • Speedy
    8 years ago

    Years ago' ... I lusted over an SS Commy in 'burnt orange' or some other similar cocked up colour.

    I thought a chartreuse 'Miller' body shirt was way hot ! ( the women folk sorta encouraged this view )

    My first bike ( a Honda XL 100 ) was the ducks guts !!

    ..... And, Smoking was cool.


    I, ( unfortunately ) seem to suffer with 'the grass is always greener' syndrome .....

    I love my Fat Bob, but feel hideously unfaithful in admiring other bikes.

    And ... there are so many nice bikes out and about !

    I spose what I'm saying / making comment on .... is that we make significant decisions / investments according to how we 'feel' at the time, but because LIFE IS SO DYNAMIC, we ( ME ) very soon find ourselves 'coveting thy neighbours' ride'.

    ( P.S. have only room in garage for one lover )



  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Ha Ha ...

    Gotcha !

    You are wrong on this occasion, Pauly.

    ( can't be held responsible for your laziness / narrow-mindedness )
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Okay ... now you seem to be on topic.

    ( bloody hell you're a handful, man )
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    What you describe sounds normal to me Speedy. And there is usually, in that desire looking over the fence at 'greener' pastures an element of 'what if' for the future. For mine, that's all normal and natural for humans. BUT I also think you remain committed and grateful for what you do have and make the most of that while you can.

    For HD's if space and $$ and time to do big touring km's wasn't a limiting factor, I'd have a Street Glide and 48 in the garage. But I don't have too much of the above so the Fat Bob is perfect for me 'now'.

    BTW -- 'Miller body suit'? Pauly you are wrong: keep him drinking and all the home truths come out! Ha.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago

    I confess I owned a couple of 'Miller' western body shirts (not chautrese.. I had to bloody google that to find what color it is!).

    One was sort of a burnt orange color with sparkly gold trim and the other was an almost normal (in comparison) green.

    It says something about the 70s that the girls actually thought guys wearing those shirts looked good.

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago

    what makes you think your any different from the rest of us... ;)
    8 years ago
    oh your most certainly very different to people here, 99.9% of the crew here ARE'NT fuckwits
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Haha flipdog. Good to see ya posting again.
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    The hand break is lusting after a french bulldog 4 to 6k all she can talk about, we have been to dog shows, takled to breeders
    searched the net sent mesages back and fourth. After doing this for about 2 mounths and having favorite pups then not buying and so on,
    shes now going of the dog. I am also doing the same with a new bike but the  big differance here is shes so DYNAMIC and swayed by trends. 
    For me bikes are in my blood they make up part if me I know what I want and need to stop the restless urges in life, my bike its my lover for sure and I'm faithful to her....

  • Kustomtown
    8 years ago
    I think Flipdog's on the money.
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    uuuum...might get some popcorn and a beer
  • steelo
    8 years ago

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Come on lads give Speedy a fair go think he has had enough medicine by now