Online: beaglebasher

Advice - Can you ride a cruiser to Birdsville QLD?

  • SRV72
    8 years ago


    I am attempting to organise a ride from Nth NSW to Birdsville for the 2017 Big Red Bash. We are all riding cruisers. I've heard that the last 6hrs from Windorah to Birdsville is all dirt where the likelyhood of tyre punctures  / dropping your bike when tied etc is high. Does anyone have local knowledge regarding this part of our country and can it be done on a cruiser?




  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    So, from what Smokey said, it would be worthwhile taking a fair amount of wire and cord as well as your normal breakdown utensils.
  • SRV72
    8 years ago

    Cheers fellas. Good information. Great pics as well.

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    8 years ago

    take an old tooth brush too to, clean any stones off between rear belt drive and pully gears, as if get too many stones  they push into the belt. i've used fence wire when broke exhast mounts, but was old shovel the new crusers smoother runing. just take 1/2" 9/16" ring spanners  where you can reach & check bolts tention when you stop. have a great adventure!!

  • BigEd
    8 years ago
    Was driving road trains back and forth thru Windorah, Birdsville and then down the Birdsville track six months ago. Road was pretty bad with corrugations, loose rocks etc. Very soft bulldust along a 5km section of roadworks around the Betoota turnoff. Take extra fuel as no fuel at Betoota now. Plan for flat tyres. I wouldn't take my ride thru there, but its your call. Steady steady you could do it, but put something in place in Birdsville for spares, tyres etc if travelling without back up vehicle. Cheers.