Online: Rextheute2022

error loading map from SESTP VCI

  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago

    Hi All 


    Ive recently had bike dyno tuned and when i tried to retrieve map from VCI that the Dyno tuner had created and flashed my bike with i got an error message and the SE software crashed just after down load.. Im running Version 9.002 the latest update on a windows Vista 32bit platform and to date ive had no problems tuning and flashing bike with my own laptop..this recent map was created and flashed using the dyno tuners PC ..ive spoken to tuner and he says that the map may not have saved to VCI correctly after reflash ,looking at the downloded file from VCI and its missing the file extension .dt0  clicking on its properties has it listed as "FILE"   unlike OEM maps and maps ive created which have the extension *.dt0 


    Any ideas ? 



  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago
    its not the software or my Laptop my map has been locked by Dyno tuner $%^%#$@ he finally confessed to locking it .. Honestly the tune is great but had i known the map would be locked i may have chosen different tuner
  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago
    Rather not say who tuner is implications .

    He must have disconnected vci prior to save and after flash or encrypted the file somehow..he won't unlock it so I'm not locked to his business for any future tunes otherwise I've wasted $$$ if I overwrite map to gain access to settings. .just wanted to drop my rev limit without having to take time off work to ride bike to business for 2 min job
  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago
    Actually it saves to vci last after the flash cause I've done it many times whilst using smart tune to temporarily setup bike after stage 4 was fitted by dealer then I ran it in and took bike to professional dyno shop to dyno tune
  • fat103
    8 years ago
    Was it a HD dealer or a independent shop that did this low act or stupid oversight to your ride ??