Heritage chop

  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Thanks fellas!

    Tim you'll have to wait and see but I got a cro's best too clamp to buil a set of bars from. Nice and clean, no ugly risers or anything. Bars will be all one piece with the cro's nest clamp for a clean finish


    And one more of that motor. This thing will be a stout street engine not just looks

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    very nice work on the covers.
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Thanks fellas. So I don't know if I mention it but I'm using a Cro's nest top clamp to build my bars from so the top clamp and bars are all one piece. Nice clean springer look. I'll be running these Kustom tech inverted levers, in which I also have a remote master cylinder we are mounting to the back bone where the tank will sit. There will be a pocket in underneath the tank that hides this when the tank is mounted

  • Squid83
    7 years ago
    Wow it's been awhile. Business is really getting busy with other bikes I don't have much time to mess with my own. But maybe once a month I get to do a little something.
    Currently getting more parts engraved. The BDL primary so far is the first of the next lot of engraved parts to be completed. Finally got around to putting the 107 pistons and cylinders on. Got a perimeter brake rear wheel coming, same as the rear wheel on their now just with a perimeter brake setup. Scored the tank on the right from Chemical Candy Customs. Pretty stoked about that. Funny thing is I only bought that exact tank for it weeks to seeing the CCC tanks up for sale on Insta. Had the idea of a wild red candy apple flaked tank with some cool line work etc going on. But damn that CCC tank just fit the look I was going for so well. I flipped the rockers in the last pic to get measurements of how much I can stretch the down tubes and back bone, not by much, only a very small stretch. Most won't notice it I think but it'll make all the difference. I put a 1.5" spacer under the front of the tank to give an idea where it'll sit after a subtle stretch in the frame. With air suspension I'll only need the bike 1" higher then in the photo, when I give it air that will give me around 4" of ground clearance at ride height, then I can drop it back down to nearly this height for show. Going to sit the seat into the frame as in the pic (it's just sitting there at the moment) to give it a more raw look, I want the frame to show as much as possible over the whole bike, and I want the seat low and as far back to type fender as possible.

  • Squid83
    7 years ago
    Some updated pics over the weekend since the tank arrived

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    That engraving looks brilliant.
  • FONTANA302
    7 years ago
    It's a work of art, totally awesum!
  • TJU
    7 years ago
    Gidday Squid ... Good to hear you getting heaps of work ... Have to pay for the hobby some how ... Most likely you have already mentioned it but what gear box set up are you going with and have you chosen which Air Ride system you will use .
    Tim .
  • Soapbox2627
    7 years ago
    with the engraving looking so good, why have you put that tank on? it is a nice paint job but it is like coloring in an Aztec temple, I think a tank with similar styling as the engraving would pop

    the comments are of the opinion of the writer, please disregard if you not applicable
  • Squid83
    7 years ago
    Thanks fellas!
    Tju cheers mate it has. Wen good, just have nontime dir my own bikes now haha. Can't win. Can't complain either. It has a s&s 5 speed in there already, I just gave sone bits of it off getting engraved at the moment. I'll use shot gun again as no one else as the dampening manually adjustable. I think thats something that's a must with air ride. 

    Soapbox I've seen numerous bikes following  those ideas and while it works nicely, I feel it's a bit predictable, or expected? The tank is right up the old school chopper style ally, and so is the metal engraving, so to me they go hand in hand. Like Kiwidave mentioned, it's usually the old shovels and earlier models that you see with this old traditional style engraving. . Everyone's different but for me I like a bit of random against the grain parts thrown in. Sometimes things get to predictable and everything matching. I like a bit more of a garage chop feel in there. But that's just me, I like different and weird shit
  • Soapbox2627
    7 years ago
    I can see your point as I will say you have seen a shit load more of that kind of stuff than me
    I was for sure thinking the theme, but the difference is it is a chop, and difference is the theme, the tank in that train of thought has grown on me

    good stuff anyway, I don't have the courage (money) to do that kind of job, cheers for sharing
