Online: Hilly

Heritage chop

  • Squid83
    8 years ago

    So I bought this beautiful looking heritage to destroy 


    It runs and Ultima motor, yet to determine whether it's a 100 or 107, and has an s-& s super stock 5 speed. Pulling the heads and s&s manifold off to port polish and port match them, and shave the decks for a bit more bump. Also have a thunder jet sitting there to go in the super e carb. 
    BDL belt drive and chain final drive conversion there too. 

    As for the rest well there's a lot of cool shit go into this bike so I won't spoil the surprise, but I'll leave a couple  teasers of where it's at now. 


    A lot of custom fab work to go into this one so it'll be slow going 


  • TJU
    8 years ago
    You at it again Squid , Lol ... it`s an awful addiction these Bloody Harley`s ... But Fun ... is that a bit of Old School Star Hub on the rear I see there ... is the Orange Beast all done now .

    Tim .
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Haha yeah Tim it's not a healthy addiction for bank accounts that's for sure! I got sick of trying to find some old used rims to suit it to powder coat here so I had a guy in the states sort it all for me for a little extra.

    The orange one I've been running around on but still need to finish the rear fender. I been way too busy of late. Though since riding it around I've found there's a few modifications I want to make to the fuel tank, so I'm going to strip the tank and and do the mods needed and paint it with the rear fender which is almost done. I also picked up a se 58mm TB to give that high comp 110 a bit better breathing. Left the manifold with my brother who's giving it a port and polish and port matching it to the heads. Then we are going to machine out a billet velocity stack for it, as there's fuck all options for A/c 's out there for these 58's

    How you been any way mate?
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Been pretty good of late ... Had a nice little ride down to Glen Innes couple weeks back with a few mates .
    Made it this time with the Belt in tact , Lol ... Scored myself a set of Bassani 2 into 1 Road Rage pipes
    To go on the 08 ... Will be courious to see the difference if any ... Had her geared up slightly for highway
    Cruising but putting her back to stock gearing ... Should be nice and punchy again down low ... He ha .

    Chucked some running boards on the Springer ... Real nice to Zip along now with the extra comfort .

    Have fun with that spending addiction ... The house will be payed off end of this year ... Have got
    A real hankering for a Street or Road Glide ... Might have to sell one of the other babies ... Or maybe
    Own 3 bikes ... Lol ... Missus reckons I can only ride one at a time ... I keep trying to have a good come
    Back for her but all I can come up with is ... Hey Life is what it is , I gotta do what I gotta do ... She Loves
    Me ... Luckily for me ... Lol

    Cheers Squid .
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Nice one, I too would be interested in how those bassini's perform. Yeah IM thinking of changing sprokets on the night train for that reason. It's geared way too high, 6th gear is completely useles now. But all that extra torque and being so much lighter, it pulls nicely through first and second. Feel like I'm stuck between two rocks about what to do there

    Sounds like you got a keeper mate, hang onto that one! 3 bikes sounds nice but can't go wrong with two still
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Thanks Squid ... yeah she will do this old Fat Bugger that's for sure .

    Your not wrong about 6th gear being wasted after I geared her up ... not sure if I mentioned it elsewhere but one of the other reasons for going back to standard gearing is the Speedo accuracy ... when I had the different gearing installed I had one of those speed compensators put on ... the one where you push a couple of buttons until you get the right speed of course ... what a pain in the ass ... being a Softail and already having the power commander under the seat there is not much room left ... took ages to find a place that whenever I sat on the seat I didn`t trigger the contraption ... reckon I had to pull over at least a dozen times due to looking down and realising I didn`t have any speed registering at all .

    Eventfully got it close , about 8 k`s out ... at 100 Klm per hour I was doing 92 or there abouts so when I was sitting on what I thought was a 100 I was actually doing 108 or close to it ... had to watch the speed cameras , Lol ... but as it turned out the faster I rode the worse it got ... was out one day giving it a bit of stick thinking geez she is feeling good but when checking speedo she was only reading about 170 ... was riding with a couple of mates on other Harleys ... 1400 Gsx ... and a mate with a fairly hotted up old Z1000 .

    Anyhow pulled up in a little country town for a cold refresher and 2 of them come up and said do you realise you were bouncing on 200 K`s back there ... nice to know the old girl will do that speed after the money I have poured into her but frustrating that the speedo was so far out ... but at least I didn`t find out the hard way by the boys in blue getting me for speeding , Lol .

    Let me tell ya ... 200 K`s per hour on some of this fine states back country roads on a 08 Softail with wide bars is an experience , Lol ... I am hoping I have the crazy top speeds out of the system and by going back to the standard gearing I can have some fun in the lower gears and still be happy in the knowledge that she is capable of getting up there if I ever feel the need ...

    Anyhow Squid stay well and enjoy the open roads as much as possible ... will post a pick of the beast after I chuck on the pipes and let you know what difference if any in the power characteristics ... Cheers .

    Tim .
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Wow Tim you got done patience to stuff around with that speedo haha. I would of chucked it straight up. Mate I'm a bit worried about you if you unsure of the difference between 100k/hr and 200 hahaha but I bet you were having fun! Cheers for the heads up mate, good to hear you're well!

    I shouldn't be touching this thing yet but I was getting a bit of an idea how I want it to sit dropped. The seat needs to be moved forward an inch and a half and down one inch so the nose of the seat sits flush with the frame. The tank is at the angle I like but will come down an inch once I cut those mounts off that's keeping it from sitting down

  • Squid83
    8 years ago

    Got a bunch of parts sent off to the engraver. Here's the seat finished. Still have another half a dozen parts to go


    Heads and s&s manifold off for some port and polish work too. As well as a thunderjet tapped into the super e carb
    Got some new screamin eagle lifters to go in too. May as well while I'm in this far


  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Man that engraver sure knows his stuff ... that is absolutely beautiful ... must have been a bucket load of hours in that seat .

    Really do like your Orange beast with all of your amazing work you have done on her ... but I really dig the stance on the new project ... novice question again , the bottom rocker on the Springer front end , does it stay in that position or does it come down more Horizontal when every thing is connected .

    Tim .
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Yeah I love his work. It's all the traditional way to with just a chisel and hammer. No air or electric engravers. How awesome would it be to have a talent like that. Yeah a lot of hours, so much patience involved

    A few more things on the orange one over the next month to finish it off. Well not completely, I'm still going to make some forward controls from scratch for it just like I'll do for this one, maybe then I'll be done with it and put full concentration into this one.

    It'll sit down a little more flat once there's more weight on it. I'm no wizard on springer setups, so don't ask me what's the optimal position or anything haha. I do know the one on the orange bike rides beautiful. I had a number of guys tell me without the shock it will ride shit, but I tell ya, it takes the dodgy roads up here so well. I was really surprised just how well

  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Neat little used 4" exile headlight I picked up, absolutely love it. Wasn't sure which bike I'd use it on but I think it suits this bike perfectly so this will be getting sent off to the engraver as well.

  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Just a few of many of the parts I've been collecting for this build. New 107 barrels and postons arrived so soon I'll get to work on the motor with having the heads worked and extract what extra compression I can try make use of that big .625" lift cam. Triple X Carburettas built me one of their to of the line s&s sure G carbs with every possible mod. Had this one with the new manifold smoothed and chromed as the polished carbys are a real pain to polish.


  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    intersting carb?
    love the engraving,nice touch.
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Christ Mate where does your talent end ... Bloody nice work from your engraver friend , be careful this beast might end up getting more of those head snapping looks like your 74 beast .

    Posted somewhere else on this site but those Bassini`s I put on got me from 100 Hp and 108 Torque to 111 Hp and 120 Torque ... so pretty happy with that for now considering the mass produced S&S Super stock Heads and Cam choice I went with .

    I reckon if I get my stock heads worked on and maybe go a slightly different Cam it might get a little better results but more than happy with the old girl now ... just have to sort the Front Brake issue once and for all ... made the mistake of taking a more modern 2015 Fat Boy for a ride awhile back and Fark the brakes were good ... asked the guy at dealer ship on return what they had done with them and they said nothing , wasn`t until I was talking with my Engine builder and all round go to guy when I realised all it was is that the modern Harley`s have ABS ... seriously so much better than my 6 piston PM and 13 inch rotor .

    Mind you there is a problem with my set up at the moment ... awhile back ended up warping my RC Components Front Rotor ... while I was waiting for another one to arrive from good old Kentucky I was using my old Standard set up ... Jeez they are woeful ... anyhow when new Rotor turned up chucked all the PM set up back on and definitely heaps better than Standard but still not as good as the 2015 Fat Boy that's for sure .

    Only noticed a couple of weeks ago though that there was a line already starting to appear on the surface of the new Rotor ... thought this cant be right only have had them on for a couple of Hundred K`s ... bit more of an investigation and found when you look down from the top of the Calliper the Pistons don`t seem to be sitting flush against the Rotor , can see day light between the top and bottom of piston and piston seem to be coming out on an angle , so will suss that out and hopefully get the better brakes I am after .

    There is another guy on this site trying the Arlen Ness 15 inch front Rotor and Adaptor bracket that lets you use you Standard Brakes and supposedly gives you 30 % better braking so will be interesting to see how that ends up ... don`t want to get rid of my PM set up but if it is going to destroy Rotors all the time and generally be not so good brake then will have to look at different options ... keeping fingers crossed that maybe all it will take is seeing why the pistons are not pumping out evenly and if fixable then issue may be sorted .

    Anyhow enough of me rambling , keep up the great work Squid and keep letting us know how the build are coming along , cheers .

    Tim ,
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Bruce definitely mate, it's XXX top of the lone s&s super G. Suppose to flow a lot more but more importantly more well behaved down low for street use, but no shortage through the full rpm range. Beautiful looking carby though. True work of art

    Tim first of all thanks for your support as always mate!!
    I've had issues with my PM brakes on the 74 bike too. That front 6 Pistons don't seem to be working right. I've had the caliper off and in a brake shop where they pulled it apart and tested it. It's all good. Might be the new jaybrake master cylinder, yet to pull that off and check it over. The rotor looks to be dead center in between the pistons, but I've notice the pistons retract enough to not be adding drag, but they don't look to be retracting as well as they should. I've spent a lot of time messing around with it and I guess eventually I'll find the issue
    Oh yeah the ABS, so much smoother hey!? I'm sure once you rectify your issue with your front brakes they will also work a lot better mate.

    That's really impressive the power gains too, makes me want to put a power pipe on the other bike and see what it makes anyway it's good to hear you're wel mate!!
  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Excuse the poor photo quality, I screen shot these from a poor quality video sent to me. But that's the headlight done.

  • Squid83
    8 years ago
    Haven't really done much work on this as I've been busy on other jobs but I did a bit today. Checking valve clearance to see if I can do a bit of work to gain some more compression. Though I'd dummy up the motor while I was at it to give me some inspiration

  • steelo
    8 years ago

    Thanks for keeping us updated and posting pics. A real piece of art is being created here.  

  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Now that is what i call inspiration ... i think i have said it before ... Love the other one , the General Lee { how many changes ago was that , Lol } but there is something about the Stance of this one , the old school spoked wheels , the Springer , the Tank , the Engraving of course ... what ideas for the Bars ... could see some nice Low with a small pull back set fitting real well with that beast keeping the lines nice and clean ... sorry for projecting my thoughts , keep up the Fantastic work Squid , Cheers .
  • Meatbag
    8 years ago
    oh wow!

    A lot of detail going in to this. Looks amazeballs!