2012 Fat Bob Headlight WANTED

  • Dicko66
    8 years ago

    Rebuilding a 2012 Fat Bob and need a Headlight. Tried Ebay and Gumtree. Anyone know where I can get one? I have the lenses but need the shell. I'm willing to pay for a complete light if need be. Cheers !

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Why don't you buy a unit from our sponsor, Hoglights?

    Better light output than stock, five year warranty.
  • Dicko66
    8 years ago
    Need OEM headlight for rego! ADR compliant original !
  • chriso
    8 years ago
    I might have one with couple scratches from an off but if it's just for rego happy to give it to ya...
    Just need to make sure it's still in the box in shed somewhere...

    Funnily enough the off was at tatha, anyhows let me know
  • Dicko66
    8 years ago
    Thanks, I can get a mate of mine to pick it up. My number 0429945678.