Online: paulybronco

Who is unlucky

  • markwoumla
    8 years ago

    Any members out there had a ride planned for this weekend, up or down the east coast ?????  And this is what you woke up to !!!!!!!

    There is a recent  tread regarding, whats the best wet weather gear ,,, Might get some good reviews on what works and what does'nt, sometime early next week !!!!!!   The only reviews you are going to get from me is what is a good movie on netflix !!!!!!

    HD Forums Australia - weather.PNG

  • keith
    8 years ago
    West Coast wet this week also Mark, had some great sunny days mid week and managed to get out with a group on Monday for a ride, o well that's winter !
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    south west vic is dry enough,didnt matter ,was going for a quick ride any way.took the daughter[20 years] for her first ever bike ride,now she wants to go every week end.
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    Yeah, I had to go out to return the shop bike and pick mine up. Good time to visit the dealer as I was the only customer. Felt sorry for the bloke mopping up the wet I carried in with me.

    The HD waterproof jacket and Gore-Tex boots were both indeed waterproof as were the 20 year old over pants. Only issue was the road carpeted in water ... Nearly over shot from the turning lane as I couldn't stop the bike -- it's a slight decline turn, had the (rear) ABS going, lucky I was riding for the conditions as the stock Dunlops were as useful as a flyscreen umbrella, not that that is a suprise. I'm starting to think of temporarily foregoing the suspension upgrade to pay for some Pirelli ND as the Dunlops are a danger in the wet. I'm happy to trade tyre longevity for some sort of traction.

    Magic to be back on my own ride...

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Green isn't too bad though, is it? I always thought it went green (light)yellow orange red (pissing down)...
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Wetter than a new brides undies up here.....

  • Sparra
    8 years ago

    I'm heading out to Birdsville for the big red bash next week so I hope it's all gone by then...

  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago
    4 inches of rain and 100km/h wind forcast in Tassie this weekend too, a good time for polishing tools.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    got smashed 253ml of rain in 24hours hit my area.. garage flooded and lounge room ceiling collapsed
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    Drove from Canberra to Newcastle last night.

    Rained ALL OF THE WAY !

    'Torrential' mostly ......