  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Good tip jfe. I have 45 mins of quiet time.at kids swimming lessons once per week and the swimming joint has free WiFi!
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    The show must still be going as they are supposed to be filming segments for Gasoline Alley`s 5th Birthday Celebrations ... plus I think I read here that Walka has had some stuff filmed about him as well ... might get to see some of his tasty projects .

    Every one to their own opinion of course and I agree Dundo can get a tad annoying at times but fair dinkum give me him any time over that numbskull from Temporary Australians ... the Radio DJ bloke ... can't even be bothered to remember his name he is that annoying ... but isn`t it wonderful that we can have our own opinions , Lol ... Cheers .
  • HN Man
    HN Man
    8 years ago
    I watch it on my ipad via the "7 Plus" app. All channel 7 shows are there with past episodes. Too easy - it's just like similar apps such as ABC Iview or SBS On Demand - free, and it's all there to,watch when you want!
  • HN Man
    HN Man
    8 years ago
    I watch it on my ipad via the "7 Plus" app. All channel 7 shows are there with past episodes. Too easy - it's just like similar apps such as ABC Iview or SBS On Demand - free, and it's all there to,watch when you want!
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    I've been catching up with the earlier episodes of HD-TV on the www.4me.net.au website where all the episodes were available and not just the last few like the Chanel 7 plus app or website.

    But... the web site is dead.

    I'm thinking that because the broadcaster had gone into administration that they finally got around to pulling the web site as well.

    Does anyone know if Season 2 is available anywhere else? I've seen Season 1 and the recent episodes.
  • walka
    8 years ago

    Session 3 is on Freeveiw, Click on the 7 Mate page

    Here is the link


  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Season 2, episodes 1 and 2 were shown at 6am and 6.30am last sat morning. Followed by episode 3 at 9am.
    Good episodes
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    There seems to be a typo on 7 mates programming ... It is not season 2 but actually season 3

    Looks like there a couple of repeats at 6 and 6.30 before the new episode at 9.30 ... This Saturday will be episode number 5 .

    On the Hd Tv website you can watch shows from the first 2 seasons on Vimo ... I think that is correct spelling ... Seems to be far better to watch old shows that way ... Trying to watch through 7 plus or 7 catch up was horrendous ... Stop start all way through ... Must be something in the way they transmit it .
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Good pick-up. Season 3 is what I meant. And 930 was the time for the new episode and not 9 as I posted
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    No worries Fatbat ... you were actually right in saying season 2 because that is what 7 mate have made the mistake of having on their program page but all good hey ... just have to remember to set the timer on the old box from now on .

    Was actually speaking to Paul Hallam down at Gasoline the other weekend ... geez he is a nice guy to have a chat with ... now some people may be able to correct me if I get this wrong but is he not the Brains behind the Hunwick / Hallam motorbike ... what I am getting at is he is obvisiouly a pretty smart fella yet he doesn't come across as a know it all or genius just a down to earth guy who like to have a laugh .

    Don`t know how true it is but in one of the earlier episodes he was relaying a story about growing up and his Mum taking them to school in some sort of hotted up car and doing burn outs for all his mates ... like he said in the story he didn`t stand much of a chance but to end up doing something motor related when he grew up .

    Tim .
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Yeah TJU -- he is part of the Hunwick-Hallam work a couple of decades ago that produced that beast of a bike that goes like the clappers. I've also heard he is one of the go-to guys down Geelong way if you want some serious work done on your engine. I think he is the star of HD-TV.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Long before hdtv, he was known as a bike wizard and was one of the go-to guys for harley headwork. I either rang Paul or his brother (can't remember which one) but his workshop was on his property just out of Geelong. I remember how friendly and helpful he was, was happy to give his time and input on suggestions and ideas for my bike without ever pushing for a sale. Nice guy and very experienced and clever
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    have looked and not found it yet,long spell over xmas?
  • aido
    8 years ago
    i went to the filming of an episode about five weeks ago so it won't be far off.
  • Ric
    7 years ago

    I was watching it on 7Mate at about 12:30 this morning.

    Looked like it was repeats of last years season, Seeing as I missed most of it last year it was all new to me anyway. LOL
