Injector life

  • Dutchy Hoogen
    Dutchy Hoogen
    8 years ago

    How many kn should I expect to get from my fuel injectors ?

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Do you think that you have a injector issue...

  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    I agree for life of bike, as above posts ... Could get self inflected problems as mentioned above ... Another problem the can happen is, the wires going to injectors may get pinched,, break, or become loose in connectors, causing a so called injector failure, (this can cause bike to go into limp mode)...
  • Dutchy Hoogen
    Dutchy Hoogen
    8 years ago

    Thanks all.  Seems to run out of fuel when at full throttle for a long time. Thought it may also have been the fuel pump. Think its more likely the fuel filter.  So ill change that as see what happens.

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    It's hitting the rev limiter Dutchy !! Ha ha
  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    It is probably the engine protection kicking in.......... After approx 25 seconds at WOT they get richer... and richer....and richer etc. Trying to protect against the shed wall burnout factor.
  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    It is not new, it has been there since the Delphi EFI has been on them..
  • Dutchy Hoogen
    Dutchy Hoogen
    8 years ago

    Sorry have not been on here for a while.  Thanks guys for your comments.  Problem sorted by changing the fuel filter.  Top end fixed.  120r is getting a bit boring now though.  Wish I had the $$$ to make some more gunt.  Can't have everything I guess.,

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Good to hear you have the problem sorted Dutchy.

    Did you replace the filter yourself or did a shop do it?

    If it was a shop what sort of dollars are needed for the job?

    Realised the other day I should have changed my fuel filter at 40,000Kms......8K kms ago. Thinking it would be smart to address the issue pronto.


  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Thanks Hilly. I do have a workshop manual so I best have a squiz at it.

    Got no qualms at all working on my other older bikes, it's just these ones(Harleys) with the fuel injection and an apparent need for special tools at every turn kind of throws a bucket of icy water over my better intentions.

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    did my filter recently[07 dyna]not hard to do ,just a bit fiddly to get at.
    filter kit,top plate gasket and screws[single use] and 1/4"tension wrench or a light hand.
    plus a magnet for when you drop the retaining clip.
    pick a day when your most patient and its all good.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Cool Bruce. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Never actaually even had the tank off my bike in 8 years, which is very embarrasing.

    Usaully do all the oil/filter changes, take wheels off for new tyres etc, even re-spoke wheels

    Best I fucken wake up to myself as I tend not to trust others without glowing references.

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    no worries fc,did mine with tank in place and syphoned off fuel first.
    bit the same with the trust bit,but i in return expect all of our customers to allow me to rip into their very expensive tractors and make them good again,maybe because i'm known as a very perdantic spanner i'm told.cheers
  • KB
    8 years ago

    My brother had this problem. How long simce you ran some injector clean through the tank? He put a can in and all good. You should do it every oil change.

  • Dutchy Hoogen
    Dutchy Hoogen
    8 years ago

    Sorry once agin this is the first time I have logged on in a while. I did it myself. I think the filter was about $30. Easy job about 20 minutes if you have not done it before.  Next time I'm think about 10 minutes.