Online: Hilly


  • Rams
    8 years ago

    Just bought my first Harley and I'm wanting to know if it's a 96 or 103ci. It's a 2011 FatBob. Air cleaner says 103 but all of the searches I have done say it's a 96ci. Is there anything obvious external on the engine that identifies the size?

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Run a check on the VIN

    Could also have had a 103 kit installed ( relatively common at one time )
  • Rams
    8 years ago

    Where do I run the vin check?

    If you mean a ppsr report. I did that but it doesn't mention engine size. 

  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    VIN check on the HD website is a good place to start

    Just a google search on the VIN will get you somewhere
  • Drac
    8 years ago
    Factory 103 would have compression releases in the heads I would think
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    Hey Rams -- you have put this question in this thread and another. Might want to tidy that up. 

    I'd put $$ on it being originally a 96, noting the Fat Bob's didn't go up to the 103 until 2012, from memory. They were the second last Dyna to get it. 

    Where did you buy it from? Surely their ad or person who sold it to you has the info??