Online: Hilly

By-pass o2 Sensors, is it true?

  • lockwood
    8 years ago

    Om my 2015 Fatboy, my mechanic told me that by setting an air/fuel ratio of say 14:1, via a SERT Pro, that because it is outside the limits of the narrow band sensor, that the bike won't go into closed loop, therefore the computer will accept the 14:1 setting effectively by-passing the sensors. Is this true?




  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    I know the TTS tuner reasonably well and my understanding is the se tuner is pretty much the same. On the TTS, in the ve tables if the af ratio is set to a specific target (14.2 from memory) this activates closed loop mode. Any other value will run open loop and whatever af ratio you set.
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Where in Australia
    are you located mate ?
  • lockwood
    8 years ago

    Hi Retroman,

    I'm in Canberra



  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Canberra , no worries I'm in Perth and could have helped you if you were in WA.

    No real need to leave the bike in open loop, They can be tuned successfully with the O2 sensors still working , just as performance aid and NOT an emissions aid

    Do you have a Super tuner pro already ?
  • lockwood
    8 years ago


    Yes, I already have the sert super tuner pro.
