Online: baldy1450

Extract more H/P

  • wozza fatboy
    wozza fatboy
    8 years ago
    Really appreciate the time and effort put into helping me understand the differences in cams and the effects that different cams have.
    Anyone thinking about a Stage2 upgrade, plenty of good information here. I am no mechanic so please excuse my ignorance.
    From what I understand, in a Stage 2 upgrade there's not a lot of difference in the 54h to 57h cam at the end of the day.
    Used with a good combination of Pipe, Airflow, fuel management and dyno both packages will work well in these mild upgrades.
    I checked with Fred why we choose the 54h cam over the 57h and it was because I ride the bike harder and rev it more the 54h stay's open longer.
    I know there's a lot more to it, basically on the dyno the combination was chosen for the way I ride,
    nothing wrong with the 57h combination either and not much difference in the both at this level.
    The pipe is where I will gain more H/P with what I have. A 2into1 will gain more H/P over my current dual system. At the moment I'm out to the edge of the front and rear tyre. It ride , handle and runs well, performance wise it's very good with a bit more to give when I want it. You'd have to be happy with that. Thanks fatbat and Roberts for the information provided. It goes a long way to help people understand the next stage in Harley performance, where to go with it and what to except.
  • FONTANA302
    8 years ago

    This may be an option over the 54H & 57H.  Andrews 50H +4 degrees advanced on Fred's dyno.  Rides real well.

