Online: paulybronco, Far Canal, STEAMER, Stuart

Lakeside Raceway on a Harley

  • wozza fatboy
    wozza fatboy
    8 years ago

    Project Fatbob103.    Get a Harley ready for the track with 9k.   Components= Good Stage 2 kit with all the extra's,  dual custom map,  freedom racing pipes, big sucker airfilter, highflow oil filter, full suspension upgrade, jims cooling fan to keep it running on the cooler side, smaller pegs and andrews sprocket upgrade for 6% increase in gear ratio. Changing the sprocket better suited the corners at Lakeside. With the standard gears the bike was over revving in second around the corners or third had no power to pick it up through and out of the corners. Down the straight I didn't want to over do it so stuck to about 160klms to 170klms . It had more, if you were game. Anyway enjoy a Harley rider having fun.


  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    8 years ago

    Good one Wozza , looks like you did have fun , thanks for sharing .

  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    sounds mint ,love your work
  • speedzter
    8 years ago
    Thanks Wozza.
    Did you get many comments from the other riders ??