New to forum not to HD

  • pony-tail
    8 years ago

    To introduce my self i will give a brief history .

    I have had harleys for years until a few years ago I got T-boned , I have not had anything newer than a Shovel .

    I am 59 years old and I am feeling like my plates screws and other hardware ( From the crash ) have healed as well as it is going to so I am looking to get another bike . Maybe even something a bit newer - like an EVO .

    Due to some permanent injuries ( I have a few ) I have lost some movement in my left arm , my back is no longer flexible and my left hip is R.S. so I will be out looking for a bike to modify , to fit my now , rather rotund ( after sitting on my A55 the last 5 or 6 years ) - bad diet no excercise etc . I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes - So I started thinking I either sit wallowing in misery in a pain killer induced haze -- or I get off my fat A55 and do something .

    My budget is going to be tight and I am going to have to sell some of my accumulated paraphenalia , but so what , I just need to get moving again before it is too late and I become incapable of it .

    I kind of have an image in my head of exactly what I want ( I have had over 6 years to figure it out ) I will , however, have to make some small changes to the concept due to not completely healing up ( Different bars and foot pegs instaed of running boards - may be a different seat , not sure , It will be a case of what works and allows me to ride .)

    I will be mostly on here just lurking until things start coming together .

    Anyway that should give some idea as to why I am here and how I got here .

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum Pony-Tail.

    Hard road which will hopefully soften for you.
  • pony-tail
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum Pony-Tail

    I am small "p" pony-tail someone else on the forum is capital "P" Pony-Tail . ( would not like to offend somebody with mistaken identity
    but thanks
  • 92Fatboy
    8 years ago
    Welcome ! .....Sporty might be the go mate enough , easy to manoeuvre and cheap.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Welcome pony-tail. Hope you get the bike you want and get back out enjoying it
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Welcome mate

  • Haxz_rsx
    8 years ago

    Welcome and enjoy !

  • Ric
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the forums
  • pony-tail
    8 years ago
    I finally got a Harley !
    nothing like what I was looking for but when I saw it I wanted it .
    A 1993 Ultra classic tour glide 90th anniversary model .
    Fully dressed and unmolested
  • TheBigFella
    8 years ago

    Welcome pony-tale, awesome choice.

    I recently purchased an 05 Roadking and absolutely love it,,,,,,,, the added comfort is awesome. My wife is happy now as she can travel with me for hours on end without back pain.


    Different style of bike lends itself to more sedate riding style and at this point in time might be just what the doctor ordered.


    PHOTO's, dude, need to see what she looks like ,,,,,,,,


    Cheers and enjoy,,,,,

  • pony-tail
    8 years ago

    This be the one ( this is from the add ) I have not worked how to get it home .

    It does not fit under the seat of the Burgman I am at present riding !

  • pony-tail
    8 years ago
    I am fat and old and it just seemed to be inviting - all nice and comfy and stuff like that , you know , ride a couple of hundred ks and still have kidneys ,type thing.
  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    The Burgman is great around town , not bad on short ( 100 or so k trips ) I am 140kg and the seat gets a little thin over time .
    Burgman is substantially quicker than the old evo up to 100ks from 0 start but it has small wheels that are not bump friendly good freeway commuter though  .
    Harley sounds better , is more pillion friendly and is significantly more comfortable and less tiring.
    I am unfortunately of the road at present - I am type 2 diabetic and contracted Cellulitis , which can get nasty ( old person stuff ) A friend of mine , that I have known for 40 years + lost his leg and is still recovering , so I will do what I am told and put my leg up and not do anything strenuous . The hole has scabbed over and is healing now but with only a week or so to go , I will wait !
  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    7 years ago

    G'day Ponytail. Welcome.

    Heck that Burgman has undergone a metamorphosis from a little bug to a beautiful big Harley Davidson.

    Enjoy the ride.
