200 Rear on Slim

    8 years ago

    Looking for some advice on beefing up the rear end on my 2013 Softail Slim.

    Plan on keeping the guard as I want to retain the shape and lights I've fitted so I know that's to be fabricated.

    Best I can tell, it's just a matter of changing the fender struts and obviously tyre and wheel.

    Everything I'm reading says I have to upgrade to 20mm belt & pulley if running Dunlop tyres. Is this right? 

    Do I need to change to another tyre (Avon has been recommended). 

    Any advice would help me heaps. Thanks

  • jocky
    8 years ago
    hello ....hello
  • Hudson76
    8 years ago
    Bloke you may want to introduce yourself first.............. then you mite get some advice for your problem
  • Hudson76
    8 years ago

    Yes you'll clearly need the wider wheel to accommodate the fatter tyre, the guard widened and use different frame horns (probably the Fatboy ones).

    The Fatboy is listed as having the same belt and pulley as your Slim so you may need to get a different size addaptor to fit the pulley to the (wider)wheel or get it machined down. Your original axle should be ok to use as it should be the same length. Spacer will most likely be different, shorter.

    Your biggest expense will most likely be the wheel and tyre itself. And I don't see why you'd need to change the tyre brand, though Avons are a great tyre.
    Good luck with it. Look forward to seeing some pics of it as you go.

    8 years ago

    Awesome...thank you for your help and steering me in the right direction. As a newbie here, I wasn't aware of the protocol of introduction...sorry.

    Have sourced a 200 rear end from 2009 Fat Boy which includes seats, guard, solid wheel and tyre as well as fender struts, shockies, brake lines etc. Without actually sighting the items yet, due to distance, it appears the fender struts are a match...is this right?

    I looked at Roland Sands Fender Struts to fit and they covered from 09-16 Softail so, using my female logic, am assuming this 2009 Fat Boy set up is going to go straight on my Slim. Would that be correct?

    On the subject of Tyres, I'm currently running on standard 16" rims with Dunlop 402's and absolutely have no complaint. If I go with this Fat Boy rear I won't have to worry about changing my tyre preference I hope as the original plan I had was to customize my original guard and keep my pulley and belt...everything I was reading kept saying I had to switch to Avons or upgrade to a 20mm belt if I wanted to run Dunlop or Metzlers.

    These Dunlops are giving me awesome mileage and am reluctant to switch brands if I can help it. I've done over 32,500k's on these, running nitrous...can't whinge! 

    Absolutely, will post pics of the end result...

  • Hudson76
    8 years ago
    No drama Jules. Most people go to a different tyre brand for sizing when they are trying to squeeze a bigger tyre under the stock fender and struts. The Dunlop on the back end should be fine as most of the parts you'll use are from a different HD with the same tyre and it fits on them......from what I've heard Dunlops get great mileage but Avon/Metzlers have better grip.

    A thing to remember is the Fatboy wheel is a 17" and your front will be a 16" still, this may affect handling a little, I'm not sure. Also does your Slim have ABS? That's another thing to consider if it does. Yes the 09 inner fender struts should work with a wider rear guard as the Fatboy frame is the same as the FLS, just has wide set fender struts bolted on.

    8 years ago

    Never even considered the ABS until you mentioned it...thanks.  

    OK, according to my tyre/wheel guy, I have to stay with the 16" wheels. To change to 17" front wheels has the same effect he tells me...does that sound right? Has to do with rolling diameter.

    No biggie if that's the case as I was always preferring to stay with the old school look of black rims and chrome spokes. Just have to do some searching...again.

    Absolutely don't want to sacrifice the handling of this bike for the sake of an extra 60mm of rubber on the ground...makes no sense (or cents) at all. I know there's going to be some difference but don't want this interfering with the ABS.

    Thank you for keeping me on the right path.


    8 years ago
    Geez...a lot can happen in a week when you're researching this stuff.
    Just a quick update on where I'm at now....
    After all the mucking around chasing fender struts for the Slim, I went back to my HD dealer and have ordered the struts from them...genuine HD Fat Boy at $120 a side, they bolt straight on.
    Then came the rim...sourced a 16"x6" bare rim here in Qld and going to get it powder coated and then re-laced using the Slims spokes etc. To change to 17" rim was going to interfere with the ABS and meant changing the hubs to pick up the ABS. By staying with 16", I've avoided all that. Bare rim cost $139, not sure on powder coating and re-lacing costs yet.
    Now...Tyres? Still faced with the same problem and can't decide between Avon Cobras or the Metzeler Marathon 880's. From the hype, I'm swaying towards the Metzelers. I use the bike mostly for touring and long distance, it's not my daily ride since returning to study so am looking for tyres that are going to see out the distance.
    Guard?? Going to keep the Slim guard as I like the profile so will split it and fabricate, then re-spray.

    So, that's where I'm at. Pull down will start in about 2 weeks when I've got the wheel and tyre set up organized and by then the struts will be up from Melbourne. Will be sure to post pics of the process.
  • Hudson76
    8 years ago
    Awesome news Jules! Glad things are getting sorted for you. And not that expensive after all.

    I don't recon you could go wrong with either of those tyre brands, but from what I've heard the Metzelers will get slightly longer wear out of them.

    Don't forget the progress pics!!!

    8 years ago

    Current look...still Slim! I want to keep those rear lights after the change.