Online: Retroman, Hilly

Evo Chop

  • brash
    8 years ago

    After "finishing" the sporty I had nothing to tinker with. I thought about starting from scratch, buying a perfectly good sporty and cutting it in half but doing the sums the price was crazy for something that would sell for shit all when I'm done, So I started looking at some half done projects and the fact of not knowing the quality of previous work or the matter of getting it registered as an ICV was a pain in the ass. So I was a bit dejected when this bike falls in my lap. Owner was motivated to sell, I was after something I could make my own with all the hard parts done, has NSW rego to boot. It was a bit rough around the edges but made a good base for a 70's inspired chopper. You might recognize this bike from Ozbike magazine some time ago.

    Paughco Hardtail frame
    Roadmax 2" over springer
    1993 evo motor
    Roadmax 5 speed with kick conversion
    3 inch open primary
    Ramflo filter
    Bates style seat/headlight
    Spool front hub, 21/16 combo
    speedmaster front, coker rear
    Paughco risers , shithouse bars with horrid controls
    Kawi ZX rear brake master cylinder
    GSXR 750 Rear brake caliper, custom bracket
    plus other stuff.

    Here are some pics from the build up and final studio shoot. (some NSFW tank paint)

    I picked up the bike in as is condition, lot of oil leaks, dodgy wiring and other stuff that literally bewildered me (every bolt head stripped wtf)

  • brash
    8 years ago
    I got to work fixing it, started with the brakes, both ends rooted. Rebuilt and bled. Front is not the best but rear is banana's.

    Rode it around for a couple of months, was a sweet ride. Then the fuel tank split at the mounts.

    ordered a narrowed frisco mounted sporty tank off throttleaddiction.

    Tank arrived, mocked it up to see what worked, clearances etc.

  • brash
    8 years ago
    You might notice the tank is mounted way back on the frame, I've specifically done this for a certain look. I like the Japanese inspired chops with the tank hard against the seatpan.

    step 1. Drill a hole in a perfectly good frame

    step 2. Ream it out with a hole saw to 1 inch

    Step 3. Drop some 3/8 threaded bungs in

    Step 4. Weld it up

    step 5. Marvel in your creation.

  • brash
    8 years ago
    Got jiggy with the Autosol and cleaned off 3 years of muck and abuse.

    Got the Tank back from paint - by Smith Concepts in Sydney.

  • walka
    8 years ago
  • brash
    8 years ago
    Mounted it up, because the bike was off the road for so long it wet sumped something severe and I thought I killed it haha.

    Topped it up and took it for it's first ride in months, looks great in the sunlight. :)

    Got a brass kicker coming, 90 degree petcock and an Aris triangle light to fit up next.

    Still need to decide on bars, I have some 16 inch apes sitting around but thinking along the lines of some Lanesplitters or rabbitsears to be somewhat period correct (yeah I know it has an evo)
  • Cruise 62
    Cruise 62
    8 years ago

    That really is spectacular!yes

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Lots of love gone into that, looks cool

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    I am in awe of your skills (seriously... if I get near a welder people duck for cover).
  • brash
    8 years ago
    Having some fuel supply issues I think, My belief was that a carb could "suck" uphill if you will, with this frisco mount with the petcock at the rear I had a straight outlet.

    Today on it's first real ride was going well, stopped off to visit my dad and on the way home the thing stopped on me 3 times :(

    Checked fuel filter, not good. Painter warned me inside could be filled with crud, I did swish it with fuel before installing but obviously not enough looking at the filter. May have been the culprit to the cut-outs. Replaced the filter with a new one.

    Luckily today I got my Pro Motion 90 degree petcock in the mail, shortened up the line substantially and isn't so uphill in flow. I might need a lesson in carburetors. It sucked gas when choke was out, which seems correct, but not as much when it was pushed back in and idled. Still idled fine and gave it a few cracks of the throttle with good response. Will give it a test ride tomorrow. Hopefully the filter and shorter more direct path fixes my issues.

    Also getting a bunch of blowby, I think the bag is too full. Whats about right for a stock 80 cube? 3 quarts off top of my head....
  • noctm
    8 years ago
    That. Is. Fucking. Awesome.
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Great job , and great thread ...
  • El Skitzo
    El Skitzo
    8 years ago
    Wow that rules!
  • allde
    8 years ago
    Very nice work, how many k's do you get with the sporty tank?
  • walka
    8 years ago
    Drop your back tyre down to 16 - 18 psi that help Chris
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    outstanding brash,great looking old school bike and great story as did your fuel system issues go?could accomodate that carby lesson if needed.cheers.
  • brash
    8 years ago
    Well it was embarrassingly simple solution, combined with the blocked fuel filter my new fuel cap wasn't venting properly, put the old one on and it sucks fuel like a pro :)

    The weight of the fuel combined with the venturi effect of the carb pushes/sucks the fuel into the carb.

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    good job brash ,fuel cap was where i was thinking.cheers
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Gees Brash, I feel like I'm on Jockey Journal.
    Well done with the build mate.
  • brash
    8 years ago
    Thanks. But sadly this new tank is leaking too.... got no idea whats happening this time, no obvious cracks. Fucking spewing.

    Fresh paint work, literally done 100km at the most.