Online: PappaSmurf

Smoked brake/blinkers

  • me_ashman
    8 years ago

    Hi, anyone know of any options for smoked versions of the led bkinker/brake lights on slims or alike?

    I know I could hit them with paint but I'm looking for a replacement version first.




  • robnicko
    8 years ago

    I'd steer away from the tinting paint. It can make the lens more brittle


    edit : sorry, just realised you have LED's !


  • me_ashman
    8 years ago
    Yeah these len's aren't removable. I bought a set for the front.
    8 years ago
    when changing to smoke lenses you also have to change to an orange bulb, so unless you can get the orange led's it wont work for you
  • me_ashman
    8 years ago
    Good point. I'm guessing the keds are coloured thigh because the lens is yellow only and it goes bright red and yellow for indicating.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    No harm in exerimenting with a light coat of that smoke/tint spray. I've thought of doing the same thing
  • xlr8it
    8 years ago

    You can not replace the lenses as these are LED combination lights, I have tinted mine and they look great, 2 coats of tint and 3 coats of clear with a light sand in between.


  • me_ashman
    8 years ago
    Yeah it's the road I'm thinking I'll have to go. Dine it many times before with various cars in my youth.

    Just wondered if there was an aftermarket version.
    Good job XLR
  • Beno40
    8 years ago
    Mate ebay, i got a set front and rear with coloured globes for less than $20 posted.

    Arrived a month later, no probs and look great.

    I wouldnt buy a critical part from china, but light covers hey what can go wrong.

  • me_ashman
    8 years ago
    I know what you're talking about but they don't fit the rears. I bought those and changed the fronts.