Online: WideglidingNZ

Prince has passed away

  • Ric
    8 years ago

    Blimey what's going on?

    Now Prince has passed away at 57, all the great muso's are dropping like flies.

    Wasn't into a lot of his music but I do have Purple Rain.


    RIP Prince

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    No matter how famous or rich you are, Death is the great equaliser.

    Was not a Prince fan but acknowledge his talent. When I first heard "She wore a raspberry beret"  I thought he was saying "She had bad varicose veins" sure sounds like it when you hear the song.

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Went to the football today Freo VS Blues they had a great tribute on the big screen at half time for him,RIP.
  • bobby bob
    bobby bob
    8 years ago
    an other powder puff goes poof.
  • robots
    7 years ago
    they doing a twelve hour show for Prince's birthday on 7th June 2017, 
    and Purple Rain playing at the docklands drive-in friday night 9th june 2017