Were you carrying your helmet when walking?
I have found passing bikes tend to pick up the hapless hitch-hiker when one is holding a helmet.
Of course you still have to take the risk that the kindly motorcyclist offering a lift is not a complete "accident waiting to happen".
great story - hats off to you. I have done something similar (rushed off to go riding with f-all prep in a hurry to get out the gate) and BAM.
Sadly i was wearing a dinner suit and a red bow tie on my way to the DGR Charity ride last year.
Do you know how stupid a man looks in a dinner suit, pushing a Sportster away from a service station (dead battery)?
Should have taken your helmet on the walk! We've all been there or abouts, so the karma principle would likely have kicked in and someone would have thrown you on the back. Also, once you rear end encountered the not-really-a-passenger-seat pillion area of my Le Pera silhouette seat, your brain would have acquired a permanent reminder of why it's good to keep the bike in good nick.