AUSTRAL Winger Graz + 1 GT + 1 Soapy + 1 Mickle Lofty + 1 STANDARD me + AJ Roady + Spike Tim + Jackson Bob + China
Spike, i think you are going?? put you down anyway. Confirm thanks mate
Winger, still want the Austral room? otherwise room with Bob.
Well I think I will have to give this one a miss. Will try to catch up with the Mexicans Friday night and if possible, will meet you at Roseworthy and tag along until lunchtime before heading home.
Ralphski, cancel my accomadation, if things change, I will let you know.
AUSTRAL Winger Graz + 1 Soapy + 1 Mickle Lofty + 1 STANDARD me + AJ Roady + Spike Tim + Jackson Bob ( he snores ) China
no worries GT
Wingers , Davutch is a crafty bugga . Stashes the trailer in the bushes by the 80 km/h sign coming into a town . Splashes his face with water , for that " fuck I,ve done it hard " look as he pulls in to meet the group .......
I might be in, see what happens when it gets closer
You guys trying to promote it , or talk people out of it? Hope they've got a warm fire at Hawker !!!!
that's not water..... that's GT's come all over his face.
We'll be heading up to Jamestown on Friday arvo for an overnighter with Graz and Mickle. Weather forecast looks good at this stage!