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break out pipes

  • busted arsed biker
    busted arsed biker
    8 years ago

    Has anyone fitted v&h super radius pipes to a breakout, Im about to order one and im getting mixed views. Any feed back would be much appreciated

  • 45WL
    8 years ago

    I personally dont like the radius pipes (big radius or twin radial) - but they are popular as everyone has one :)

    Generally these pipes are loud but dont produce power.

    ATM I have a bassani road rage 2 on my breakout and they they brilliant. Bassani Build quality far better than V&H. The bassani street pros are also a good option IMO.

    I'm in the process of installing floorboards but the Bassanis dont that the require clearances so I bought a D&D lowcat..... although I havent yet installed these on the bike and therefore cant comment on the sound or power, the build quality is amazing - they more expensive but once you see the build quality you understand why you pay the premium.

    I also considered the Arlen Ness/ Magnaflow f-bomb - good looking pipes.

    There are a lot of pipes out there do some research on quality and performance...... dont follow the crowd, you wont regret it :)

  • busted arsed biker
    busted arsed biker
    8 years ago

    Only considering the super radius, they arn't genuine two into two, there's a small chamber thats joined ,its puposed to create some back pressure and more power, also supposed to be a little bit quieter.Thanks all the same dont want to be like everyone and have v&h 2 into 2


  • 45WL
    8 years ago
    Update: Installed D&D Lowcats - brilliant!!! Good performance - Tuned by Fred at pro-cycle. He had a used f-bomb for sale - stay away ito power

  • 45WL
    8 years ago
    Nah mate that is the d&& bobcat.
    I have the lowcat, look like same headers but another muffler. Same sound :)

    Awesome sound and power-highly recommended!
  • Denali74
    8 years ago

    Ive recently had the Bassani 2-1 Road Rage fitted to my 2016 Breakout.

    Could not be happier, the look compliments the bike IMO and the sound is different to the usual Harley thumper.

    Puts a smile on the dial whenever I get her out of the shed.

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Bassani pro street turnouts .......deap beautiful loud 
    becouse of the 3 stage increase as they run out  you will recive a 14 % gain in power { bassani look him up }
    I test rode this bike with standard pipes and thought it was dull
    After the stage 1 yeeeehaaaar ......drag pipes for a drag bike 
    The twisters look for the big radius and know ther ilegal 


  • Kustomtown
    8 years ago

    Got the black ones on mine.....


  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Nice one bro
    what do you think of them ?

  • cools
    8 years ago
    hey there fella's, new to the forum and have just ordered my first HD the 2016 CVO breakout. Have had the pipes changed to the magna flow 2 into 1 riots and the se super tuner but are keeping everything else as is. What would be the general thoughts as to changing the exhaust ?
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Cools ..I am so fucking jealous
    the difrence to my bike 2016 breakout was unreal after the stage 1.... but to do this with the 110 yeeeeeeharrrrr 
    Man the 2016 cvo breakout just blows my mind you lucky lucky cunt 

  • cools
    8 years ago
    hahahaha bloodog im treating myself to a late 40th pressie, the wife didn't even bark when i told her i had just spent 40k+. Wasn't sure which way to go with the pipes as i wasn't keen on the factory set, they looked great with the smoke satin finish but sounded like a honda 125 :) Delivery should be next week. Ill Send some photo's thru after she gets here.
  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Thanks cools ....will look forward to your pics 
    The new pipes will sound awseome 
    I promise I will not stalk you are you  in S.A