My first question after using this forum for. While now, so thanks already.
I've (re)painter my evo 80 black after the paint started to chip away, and now I want to sand the fins back to ally'.
Now I have read posts about how to do this using sandpaper and a Dremel ect. I can get it OK but not as good as I've seen it done at home before! And far from looking fresh from the factory, which is what I'd like. So I think I'm throwing in the towel and looking to take it somewhere for them to do it. Weak I know.... But I'd like to do it while the motor is half disassembled and before it goes back in.
Just wondering if anyone would know someone or somewhere in Melb who would take this on. The few places I have asked haven't been much help.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the help. I'll look into them!
I can't see vapour blasting as your answer if you have already painted the cylinders as it will just take the paint off again. One step forward 2 steps back.
What you seem to be lacking is perseverance and elbow grease. If you start off with a coarser grit paper, say 120 grit and use quality cloth backed stuff to first remove the paint on the ends of the fins, then work your way down to finer grits, move to a finer grit and continue till you have got rid of the scratches from the previous grit. then work your way down the grits till....say 400. Then things start to get shiny. After that you can go to wet and dry paper if you want and the grits get really fine. Knowing when to stop is also handy, as the old saying goes "How much do you polish a turd?". Not saying you ARE polishing a turd more like if you can do a good job in 4 hrs why spend 20 to get a slightly better one?.
VERY important not to get any sanding grit inside engine parts too.
Use the red scouring pads you can get them from Autobarn. They will rip paint off very quickly.
I think what the OP wants is that fresh jewelled look on the edge of the fins that only a machine tool can give. Hes's painted the heads. No amount of sanding or brillo pads is going to restore that. If its just the ally look, perhaps a wet and dry sandpaper block