Newbie from Bunbury and first Harley

  • coolvirgo54
    8 years ago

    Well, bought the '13 Ultra Classic 8weeks ago with under 5k on the clock. Love it to bits now after swearing I would never get one. Been riding on and off for nearly 50 years. Had to sort bad diving under brakes. Screaming Eagle 20weight oil sorted that. Rear suspension bottomed out badly with my pillion load - run the shocks at 70 psi for now and I'm installing corvette shocks with compressor. Bagger wobble on bumpy bends disconcerting so Alloy Art stabilizer going on. Bluetooth transmitter as well to get rid of those cables and make phone calls. Burned my leg on the exhaust so there is now exhaust wrap under the guards - fixed it. 

    The journey begins.

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the forum!

    Enjoy your new toy.
  • Etch
    8 years ago
    welcome to the forum.
    8 years ago
    sounds like ya got it all under control there bloke
    welcome to the forums
    fucken Bunbury ay?
  • coolvirgo54
    8 years ago
    Thanks everyone
  • coolvirgo54
    8 years ago
    Over a year since I bought the Ultra and nearly a year since I posted here. Time flies. Loving the bike after a few handling and suspension mods. 13000km ridden. I ended up taking out the catalytic converter which removed more heat. I just discovered a couple of weeks ago that the Active Exhaust Control had been turned off in the ECU when Big Radius pipes were fitted for the first owner. Problem is that it was not reactivated when the dealer fitted SE slip-ons when I purchased the bike so have been running around with only one side working. I made an aluminium wedge to hold it permanently open and more power, another 80km/tank, even less heat and it sounds much better.

    Seeing the dealer next week - not that happy, particularly as they took a chip out of the chrome on one of the pipes and marked the paint on the forks when they changed the rear tyre recently.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    I'd be getting onto them about that mate. They should let you know when they do shit like that.
  • coolvirgo54
    8 years ago

    Yeah, I'm a bit pissed off. They acknowledged they did it when I found the damage but weren't up front in the first place. How can I ever trust them with my bike again??