Just picked up my Softail Slim 2 weeks ago. Very happy with everything this bike offers. It has the standard seat and I also added a standard type pillion seat along with a removable sissy bar mainly for my Wife and Daughters. I realise 1 size cannot fit all but I'm good for a maximum 45 mins in my seat and 30 mins is about it for all on the rear before its getting to uncomfortable. Any suggestions in regards to replacement seats or even having the originals re-upholstered with some extra cushioning would be helpful.
Thanks for the replies. Will contact HH Adelaide and see what sort of prices I'd be looking at. You've got to be comfortable. No wonder these bikes are so popular, They really are terrific to ride. P:S There is a company in the US, Mustang Seats, That seem to have the look and comfort with their wide studded touring solo and passenger seat to fit the Slim. Have to compare $$. Thanks again for replying!
A lot of these pains are probably stress related. When your doing something out of your comfort zone your muscles tense, even if you don't know it. And just becuase you're enjoying it doesn't mean your body isn't tensing up. I ride with a LePera Barebones, it's more than padded enough.
Thanks again to all for your advise. Taking it all on board.
Thanks. Great forum to get advise on.