New 117 kit

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Had sneaky look today at a 117, in fact two kits that will bolt straight on to std 110 motors coming from the factory...

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    8 years ago

    What size bore? do you think all these different size kits from the factory will cause a spare parts nightmare down the road? like ordering new pistons n rings n so on? like what do we have now? two generations of twin cam 88", 95" 96" 103" 110" 113" 117" 120" there might be more? all i can say is why? what is new motor targetted at? like is Victory & Indian putting the wind up them? or what. don't get me wrong the Victorys & Indian's don't excite me just wondering why 117?

  • Lushy
    8 years ago
    It's a pain getting the right stuff now !
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Krash,, I have to agree with you ... "The aftermarket components market is a dream for Harley and other manufacturers .. You ask why !!!! I can only answer the question this way,, Why does a dog lick his balls ?? ,,, because he can !!!!! And the people want the product !!!!!

    As Lushy mentioned,, must be a pain organizing builds with all the different components , etc,, but on the plus side , the work comes through the doors !!!! And or course ,, it makes for interesting reading , looking at all the dyno charts , and what cams etc, are in the build !!!!!