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Penrite oils

  • wazza430
    9 years ago

    I noticed a few have posted their liking for Penrite oils. Just changed my oils and used Penrite Pro Gear 75W/90 in the trans. Hopefully its a good choice. For those who use all Penrite fluids, what oil are you running in your primary? I used Castrol ATF F this time and again im hoping a good choice. I also used the oil my Dealer sold me for the engine but will switch to the HPR 20W/60 next time. 


    Safe riding guys.

  • Drac
    9 years ago
    I use penrite ten tenths racing 20w60 in the engine, clutch and gearbox of my bike and mates bikes.
    I have tried the penrite gear oils and dont notice any difference.
    Tried many other brands over the years and nothing seems better than the penrite racing oil.
    Very smooth shifting
    The hpr 20w60 is not recomended for the clutch
    Check the penrite oil selector.
    They have an app too
  • wazza430
    9 years ago

    Thanks Drac.

  • daddyracer56
    9 years ago

    used Penrite for 20 yrs in 100's of bike's & raced on it also


  • Ando
    9 years ago
    10tenths 20w60 full syn in the engine and Primary and Pro Gear 75W/90 in the trannie

    20w60 the compensator loves it and good for wet clutches

  • ralphski
    9 years ago
    Only Penrite Oils for my bikes and cars
  • speedzter
    9 years ago
    Another long term Penrite user for cars/bikes.
    Would put it on my Weeties if I could !!
    I've been running 10w30 honda oil in the primary (extra plate Carbon Barnett clutch), but not really happy how contaminated it gets.
    Just replaced it with semi syn' 10w50 HPR gas.

    Had two top blokes from Penrite help out a mate at Phillip Island when his bike broke down.
    Loaded his bike on their ute, and took it back to Melbourne after the races.
  • speedzter
    9 years ago
    I used the thin 10w30 due to Barnett's recommendation for a light oil (even ATF which I would never use !).
    The extra plate clutch is known for issues finding neutral with heavy/too much oil.
    It was only after seeing Ando was using the 20w60 I thought I would try the 10w50 gas (specc'ed OK for MC wet clutch).

    The reality is there is a wide range of oil brands/weights that will do the job without issue.
  • macca 71
    macca 71
    9 years ago

    G'day just purchased a heritage softail 2016 model 103 hp what engine oil in Penrite should i use thanks Macca71

  • robnicko
    9 years ago

    i use the penrite hpr diesel 20w60 (mineral) in the motor, penrite pro gear 85w110 in the box & formula + in the primary

    just changed the engine oil today and it still looked great & not a spec of crap on the drain plug magnet

    I have always used penrite in my cars & bikes and for what its worth my petrol landcruiser has over 400k on it (original motor & head) with penrite used from new and still goes like the day I bought it

  • 666
    9 years ago
    iam running 20/50 mineral motor and primary and 85/110 in the box 2012 wg Penrite of cause
  • wazza430
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all your input guys.
  • wazza430
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all your input guys.
  • bodgie1307
    8 years ago

    Penrite tech recomended mc4st 10w60 in my stage 4 103 

    On 30c + days the temp in oil tank reads 127c with syn3


  • daddyracer56
    8 years ago

    i use enduro 25/70  some bike's only hold 2 1/2 ltr's in da sump & its only 6 " off da hot tarmac  , i find 20/50 not strong enough

  • Boozo
    7 years ago
    I just came off Lucas oils and now have Penrite 20w-50 synthetic in the motor, Penrite 85W-110 for the gearbox and Harley oil (don't know the specs) in the primary.
    The transmission was really noisy when getting in to gear changing up or down but now it's like a different gearbox, very quiet.
    The engine is a lot quieter as well but haven't done many km's yet so wait and see.

    I'm as happy as Larry, and I still don't know why Larry was so happy and I don't care anymore.
  • OILLEAK2008
    7 years ago
    Penrite 20W-60 Diesel in the EVO engine - always.