Random or a targeted hit?. Makes ya think it was targeted if they bashed the guy up after clotheslining him. If it was random I agree with the above. If it was targeted, the bloke must have done something pretty freakin bad to deserve that shit.
It's a shit of a thing to do forsure but at 12YO this (presume) lad and no doubt his associates have some serious social and cognitive issues FFS.
, by the way WHO the fuck shouldn't be where duck lips ?
What the fuck does that mean ........
Hey Pauly better brush up on criptic crossword clues mate,'noise made from duck's lips' [Quack]
Holy Fuck ! Black, White, on the outside; who gives a fuck. More like a Yellow cunt on the inside bignoting with his cunt mates.. Gotta a gree with Markwoula. The kid that got clotheslined didnt look old enough to ride and is definately now scared to death to say anything about this little gang of Fuckheads. WTF though. 12 years old out late at night drinkin longnecks ? His Fuckwit parents should get the same or worse than he gets. And another one. A guy on a HD gets pinned against a wall by a guy in a car.... WTF... He has serious lower limb injuries..
If not ? women, drugs or money would be the next to tick off the list.