HD Forums Australia
New Bike
New Bike
5 years ago
gm,your bike looks pretty good,pipe looks like a bought one.todays phones do take good pics
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Thanks Bruce, bit of stuffing about to get there but I'm happy with how it looks and the ground clearance.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Been talking to a bloke about tuning the bike properly, while he is happy to tune it with the 590's he suggested I consider a different cam set, seems I have more options than I thought.
A mate gave me a set of SE 263E cams that were on the tuners list, 500km, nix because I helped him with his bike a few years ago and he hasn't forgotten, will need to change valve springs at a minimum but I guess that's the universe giving me a shove to get going,....I'm running with that anyway.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Been looking into what springs to use with these cams and come up with some info on the stock 110 springs that I didn't know, apparently they don't coil bind untill .680" and have a safe lift of .640", this came from a well know state side head porter, he said he doesn't recommend anything over .625", just that that's the facts.
Geometry should be corrected over .625" so there is that as well.
My mate had them put in his 2009 CVO on the recommendation of a Harley mechanic who said they would bolt in no worries, they did, the bike didn't shit itself but it was a dog down low with his compression so out they came, he did say it was mental after 3000rpm though.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
On a different project I have got the bits together to make up the shift light, chose a small led indicator/run light, the idea being to run the feed through an on/off/on switch so it can be either off, bright light for daytime or dull for night.
Hopefully get it set up this weekend.
Couple of pics of what I have.
5 years ago
Hey guys, you seem to spruking the quickshifter so much I had to get one.
Comes on Tuesday or Wednesday anyway - I cant wait.
Grease Man, am watching with interest on ya little shift light project, as am going down that road (lol) too.Please keep us in the loop, thanks mate.
Well, as am piss poor, the choice was as either the quick shifter, or heated grips.
Don't know how I balanced that one out, quick shifter came in, but winter next year, the grips, that's for sure.
5 years ago
You do realise these are HD's, and not sports bikes? Am i missing something here? Old R1 had a change light and quick shifter....but it also did 120 in first gear!
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
I look at them like old Chevy's, stock is fine for grandad but some of us want to play, you know, ride the wave, maybe one-day if I've given up on having fun for the sake of it I'll have that kind of attitude but once your over 50 growing up is optional, so probably never happen.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
You both don't get it obviously.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Anyway, Balof I stuffed around with the cheap Chinese mount and squared it up, made the mount hole a real inch instead of whatever it was, settled on this mounting configuration as it puts the light where I want it hight wise and the wiring will flow into the loom nice.
Hopefully get back to finishing it on the weekend.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
I'm a Collingwood supporter, used to ridicule.
5 years ago
Go pies !
My bike spins through 1st gear so quick that I do hit the limiter a bit too often.
I would love a quick shifter with an RPM shift function .
I remember years ago setting up a helmet mounted shift light for a drag bike....... not much good for an open face though !
5 years ago
You really need a two stage one that flashes one color as you get 'near' the shift point and then another more urgently as your about to hit it.
Remember to mark the shift points down about 500rpm or so to allow timing for your reflexes and brain to actually shift (ie by the time you register the light and start to action your just on the the shift point rather than way past it)
I would love a 1st to 2nd autoshifter and then manual from that point on.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
So you was a forerunner on heads up display mate :)
I've never really given this stuff much thought before but talking to Mike has opened my eyes, auto shift would be easy to set up if you have the bucks, with this module you can use it to fire the air or electric shifter at your chosen rpm and the ignition kill time can be optimised for how quick that system works. The adjustability is there.
I will have to use the "expert" feature I think as the unit self learns a bit in auto and if you get a bit slow on the shifts it lengthens the kill time, think mine was out to 95ms last I looked, that's a bit much, the auto default time is 85ms, I'm pretty sure 75ms would be better, can also adjust the cut out times for different RPMS in expert.
It's addictive fun, when I was a young bloke a mate that rode a big dirt bike (YZ490) was giving me tips on how to try and stay with him, his favourite line was "hold it flat and feed it gears", he would love this shit.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Got the shift light fitted, decided I wanted it lower so I cut down the indicator mount stem to bring it closer to bars for a cleaner look with wires being able to go into the existing wiring bundle.
Pulled the light apart before I went right through, filed the base flat and tapped the hole nearly into the shell.
Put a bit of 243 on the mounting thread and nipped it into the housing.
Reassembled the light and mounted it to the centre of the bars.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Ran some twin core along the loom under the tank, put a plug on the module end, the other end at the switch is spade bits as that's what the switch terminals are.
Put a three way switch up front where the auxiliary light switch would be, it can be off, bright or dull depending on switch position.
Looks like this when activated in the two on positions....
Should be able to see that even while hanging on for grim death.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
28000km......bit sad really when you factor in 4 years, think it's a case of born to ride but forced to work.....
Anyway I'm gunna change the clutch damper ring out to the latest version, am told it will move engagement point from right at the end of the lever travel to mid way, will suit me better there.
Compensator has next to no wear, seems it liked it's diet of Penrite.
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Not much in it, 2mm new one, old 1.6mm
5 years ago
Hard to believe it will change things that much, we shall see !!
So still happy using the quickshifter , or bored with it yet ?
I'm thinking it could be fun, but the novelty might wear off ?
Grease Monkey
5 years ago
Still use it :)
I use the clutch a bit around town, just my way I guess, but mate when you peg it and go up through them it's smooth as.
Let you know tomorrow on the clutch, cheap and only takes a few minutes to do when you have the oil out, .4mm don't seem stuff all but it's easy to see the difference.
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