Online: crowster69

Show us your facemark!

  • Smithyworld
    9 years ago

    Post a pic of your face mask. There seems to be some cool ones out there. I dont have one yet but will get one soon. ;0)

  • Smithyworld
    9 years ago


    You tell me.... Do I do it for you? ??


  • Krackers60
    9 years ago
    Smithy, I find face masks that look like skeletons, zombies and the like very off putting.

    If you want to wear an open face with a 'thick' childish looking mask that belongs in the ghost train tunnel then go for it. I see riders wearing one of these in warm weather yet they have jeans and a T-Shirt. To me it's just an ego booster, but I could be wrong. It could just be for show.

    There's plenty of other methods to protect your face if you wear an open face, or you could switch to a full face.

    Just my opinion.
  • Nomada
    9 years ago
    I wear one when I remember to put it on for sun protection.

    And, if you have seen a dog stick its head out of a moving car, I wear one at my age to keep my face flapping in the breeze.

  • Smithyworld
    9 years ago

    Fair enough. I find them quite humerous when I see them. The main reason I want one is for when i am riding down the freeway heading to Sydney or night riding for protectionagainst bugs and bits flicking upfrom cars infront. I have an open face helmet and don't really wnat to go to the expense of purchasing a Full face. Don't think I will need to use it though during a hot sunny day though.

  • blueystar
    9 years ago

  • rider
    9 years ago
    Bluey,,,, he wants to see your mask, not your real face,,,,,,,
  • Bonkerz
    9 years ago
    I wear full face on long rides (usually) but other wise just an open face. If I do wear a mask it's just a normal black one, or on really cold days I have a camo print one which is thick. One day I'll pull my finger out and buy a Scott safarri 83x, since I like the added protection against rocks.
  • allde
    9 years ago

    I wouldn't mind one of these.


  • careyman
    9 years ago
    I got the one at aldi and it is shit,,, doesnt allow air to escape fast enough and pushes what it does allow out into specs
  • Ric
    9 years ago
    I usually wear a black bandana. It's a cotton one that lets the air through and doesn't fog my glasses.

    I buy a couple every year on bandana day to support CANTEEN (teenagers with cancer), a worthy cause.
