Online: softfat

FXST front end change

  • 2012vrod
    8 years ago

    Finally got the neck raked and tank stratched on the FXST

  • TJU
    8 years ago
    That's looking so much better now with the rake and all the paint matching ... did you go with a Neck actually cut and raked or those raked cups you can get from Vulcan Enterprises in the States ... mate has a 3 degree set on his 03 Dyna and loves them .

    Will be interesting to hear what you think of the brakes if you end up getting a bigger rotor ... I went with a 13 inch RC Components Rotor over the standard 11.5 inch factory rotor and a 6 piston PM Calliper as opposed to the standard factory Calliper on my 21 inch by 3.5 inch Ride Wright Wheel ... Definitely better braking but still no where near Standard Jap bike brakes .

    One issue I have with PM Callipers though is that they don`t bite as much of the rotor surface as the Factory Callipers ... I realise that being 6 pistons they are actually smaller compared to the factory 4 piston but the PM`s only bite about 28 mils of the rotor surface where as the factory grabs 38 mils .

    If I had my time over I think I would still go the 13 inch rotor but maybe stay with a 4 Piston PM or Hawg Halters or something simular ... and when it comes to the Rotors , while I like my RC Components I would be interested to hear others thoughts on other Brands like EBC or LYNDAL ... None of them are cheap though ... but is anything connected to Harleys cheap , Lol .

    Tim .
  • 2012vrod
    8 years ago

    Thanks Tim. The trees have 3 degrees and I cut the neck and added another 5 degrees. 

    I'm going to get the arlen ness 15" big brake kit for softails. Supposed to ad at least 30% more braking power. I lost heaps of braking when I went the 23" wheel so I think I need to go big as possible. Interesting about your 6 piston PM calliper. I'll keep that in mind.






  • 2012vrod
    8 years ago

    Hey 06 Softail.

    It's a Russ Wernimont Designs. It was about 500 bucks. Check out their website. Rollies Speed Shop distribute them.

  • 2012vrod
    8 years ago

    Mate all I know is it's the Russ Wernimont designs 23" fender made specifically for breakouts. Look for that guard on their website and perhaps you'll find a matching 21". Cheers

  • steelo
    8 years ago


    Love the bike. Very classy. Well done.

  • 2012vrod
    8 years ago

    Thanks Steelo!

  • ryno_0000
    8 years ago
    Sorry to hijack your thread, I've notice peeps over time talking about wide narrow and mid glide front ends. I always thought it was the distance between the forks. What is a 08 FXSTB classed as?
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Gidday 2012vRod ... did you get around to putting on the Arlen Ness 15 inch front rotor and if so what did you think ... got a new replacement 13 inch outer ring for my RC Components and have had that reinstalled and so far so good ... absolutely heaps better than the original set up that's for sure but only have a couple of hundred K`s on it so far so will have to wait awhile before seeing if it warps again ... hopefully not , Lol but if it does will be real interested to see how your Arlen Ness set up goes ... cheers .
