The weather for this weekend is looking perfect for riding, and after a 3 month spell off the bike over winter, (a lot has been happening in my life during this time including the arrival of my second son, and working interstate for a few weeks on a trial basis).
I'm keen to meet up again with the usual crew, and any new comers. This Saturday works best for me, but have not organised a route, but appreciate any ideas, which could be decided on the day. I'm just wanting a casual ride, maybe a pub lunch on the way, not really fussed where we are headed, but just want to take advantage of the spring weather and green countryside.
So if you are keen to blow out the winter cobwebs, feel free to post a suggestion, and confirm your interest.
Tryin to organise meeting Eric at Balaklava , and goin to Spalding for lunch/beer on Saturday.
Sounds like a plan. I just need to move the trailer to move the triton to move the willys chassis to move the willys cab to move the chev to get to the bike...... sometimes hobbies are hard work! What time at Balak?
Move the bike to the games room .
Is it ok if I join you Tim?
Shell servo Victoria Rd @ 8.45 .
27 deg tomorrow , no one else interested ?
Sorry fellas. I have a commitment tomorrow morning so cant make it. Bloody free from lunchtime and Sunday. Bugger. Have a good ride.
Awesome day . No jacket from Balaklava . Found a couple of great new roads , beers with Geoff at Spalding . Glorious countryside .
Was a great ride in a beautiful part of SA. Thanks mate
Linda took this pic riding today