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Fuel system

  • AlHD48
    9 years ago

    Hi All 

    I have a 2012 sportster forty eight. I have noticed that when i go to start the bike the fuel pump makes a funny loud noise before i start the bike , it sounds different to what it use to , i think this only happens when the bike is cold.

    the bike get used every 3 weeks or so, i haave looked around and some people say it happens as the pump is priming itself.

    any idea of what it might be , bike starts and seems to be running fine 

    below is a clip to the noise , same sound but not my bike

    not sure if it is 

    Pump Cavitation"... there is air getting in to the system so it has to reprime iteslf every time... in the end it it gets to bad that it wont pump might need to Try cleaning the filter and checking the pump seals..!

    any comment or suggestions please let me know

    thanks guys

  • Bonkerz
    9 years ago
    Heard a few similar sounds and different ideas as to fixing it - bad fuel pump, hoses fucked and others saying it's normal. I only know I wouldn't like to hear it coming from my bike.
  • AlHD48
    9 years ago
    thanks for your comment Bonkerz, I called the one of the tech guys at harley heaven and he said its normal as i dont ride the bike alot its got to do with pressuring the fuel system.

    i agree with you i dont like to hear it coming from my bike
  • Ponch
    7 years ago
    Gday all,
    My 2013 Brakeout is making the same noise. I read on the US forum that it may be the fuel pressure regulator, (bloke had it replaced instead of fuel pump replacement and seemed to fix it). Just wondering if anyone has resolved this issue with certainty??