Online: Daffy


  • walka
    9 years ago
    yes only with the XR covers, The Shovel and Iron Head Styles are direct bolt on to EVO
  • walka
    9 years ago

    Engine almost ready, Iv;e got one more trick up my sleeve,, I picked up a Side Draft Weber last week with a Manifold to suit a Shovel Head, Iv'e chopped of the Shovel Flanges off and have make a New Flange to bolt on to the S/S Manifold, It's out getting Welded back together, I will post some photos once I get it back.


  • walka
    9 years ago

    Weber on, It wasn't a bad Ebay Score





  • kickinon
    9 years ago
    motors looking real nice... is it the dc-40 carb.?
  • walka
    9 years ago
    It"s a 45 , was on the Shovel so it should be ok
  • El Skitzo
    El Skitzo
    9 years ago
    That looks like a lot of weight hanging out there. Does it require any extra bracing to keep the carb out there?
  • walka
    9 years ago
    Yes , There is a tab under the Manifold to bolt a Brace on to it
  • walka
    9 years ago

    Carby Reco'd and the Engine is now ready to go, Now im going to start on to the Gear Box






  • hdbloke
    9 years ago

      yes a 45 weber should have a fair  induction noise , i rebuilt a RG500 years ago, the induction noise on that with 4 flatside carbys wide open was above the engine noise Awsome!


        P.S  im still here Walka just been busy rebuilding the MX bikes finished mine now doing an 85 i bought for my young Fella , and with summer coming i ripping out the chevy of the old lewis ski boat for a freshen up plus been trying to rebuild a 67 model Human so it can handle the MX races coming up LOL that seems to the hardest rebuild ive ever done as its pretty run down

  • walka
    9 years ago

    Made a start on the Front end on the weekend

    Planing on trying to turn one of the Attitdue Inc Springer Front Ends in to a hill climb style one. 

    started off by chopping up  the front Hoop to work out how much room I has going to end up with for the Narrowglide Wheel,, Looks like I have to get the Rockers Machined down and a Custom Hoop made up, No Prob

    More up dates later









  • walka
    9 years ago

    Droped off the Springer Rockers to a mates last night for a little machining , 




  • walka
    9 years ago

    Im using a basic Exhaust this time, Got my hands on a Paughco 2 into 1 and I bought a Baffled Turnout Tip from Moon on my last trip to Japan. All Iv'e done is cut 12" off the Exhaust, Simple but Effective






  • 98superglide
    9 years ago
    Looks great Ian.
  • kickinon
    9 years ago
    a nice looking pipe, is the springer finished?
  • walka
    9 years ago
    Not yet Brian, Just waiting on Luke from Gworks to have a spare afternoon one weekend so we can fire up the Oxy Torch and do some bending
  • walka
    9 years ago

    It's been a while since Iv'e done anything on the Bike, Been busy with work and life, I just got back from Japan and the Mooneyes show again and full of energy to get back on to the build.

    I wasn't  to happy with the Tank so Iv'e started to fix it,

    It's going to be one that I will see  how it go's I carn't make up my mind to made it a one piece or split . But here is the start









  • walka
    9 years ago

    Starting to take shape, 






  • kickinon
    9 years ago
    a nice shape Ian, maybe while you have the welder out you could do the springer as well?looking forward to the finished project...
  • walka
    9 years ago

    I still haven't deside if it's going to be a one or two piece ,,,, The joys , I mite take another 1/2 off the sides tonight, it still looks a little high for my liking

    The Springer I was doing got the flick as I couldnt get the Wheel and Brake set up it fit once all the mods where done, We are now selling a Vintage OEM Style Springers  so Im now using one off them , sometimes you just carnt beat the factory




  • walka
    9 years ago

    Very happy with the shape and size



