Hey guys, my insurance is up for renewal and I'm looking at making a change especially with all the hassles that I've had. QBE had done great for me in the past but quite frankly I'm less than impressed these days.......the customer service leaves a lot to be desired, if you have a question about the claim and/or repairs they say "ring the repairer". For some reason there has been NO contact from QBE regarding anything to do with the claim, not even a customer satisfaction call or survey (shouldn't be surprised really, they wouldn't like what I'd have to say) and they have messed up from day dot.
I've done a few online quotes with a couple of places and found that I can certainly do better on price and cover. My big sticking point has been finding a company that gives ME the choice of repairer...........I've been told I have to wait another two weeks for my bike or maybe until just before Christmas. The accident was 16.5 weeks ago, repairs approved 13.5 weeks ago and the damage was under $3k The annoying thing too is that my renewal is December 16th..............is it going to mess me about with my claim if I cut & run and something goes wrong with the repairs? Aaaaargh!!!! Talk about frustration!
Anyway, just wondering who you guys are with and if the costs are reasonable and you get good coverage etc? Do you get a choice of repairer??
At the moment I'm leaning towards a switch to: insuremyride.com.au has anyone gone with this mob??
I'm interested at how this thread goes. I will be looking for insurance very shortly when I pick up my bike. insuremyride.com.au look ok to me, but am interested in other peoples experiences
Shannon's for the last eight years.
They insure and list on the policy all my extra's including performance mods.
Agreed value.
Pay by the month without having to pay extra for doing so.
I speak with the same person everey time I ring.
I have never had a claim but know a few that have and there hasn't been a drama.
When I started ringing around about bike insurance, I was surprised at how many said " ah, hold the line" as soon as I mentioned 'Harley'. Then I would get..."sorry we don't insure Harley's, bye.
Shannons bike branch would not insure because I was a 'daily rider' (only insure weekenders)
To tell you the truth I rang around 6 - 8 insurance companies and the best price I was quoted was from QBE, ' BUT'....at the time I had a guy working for me (consultant) and he said, quite emphatically "don't go near QBE" you'll be f.cked around (sorry Mega)
I ended up with Swann Insurance (signed up at the Haley dealer, Darwin) and it was the best price of all. But having said that it was convenient and I don't know their reputation.
Swann should be ok , they have been insuring bikes for a long long time
ive always used SWAN never claimed so cant coment , always seem to be able to help over the ph
only problem i have with most of them is its gota be rego to be coverd ,[SWAN?SHANNONS] in sa ya can do 3-6-9-12 mths and re rego wen ya wana with no checks, so if ur away for 3 mths holidays and ur outa rego ur not coverd
I had looked into Shannons but had the same issue.........they don't want daily riders and if you have more than 3 fines in five years they get a bit "funny" about that too............I've had four fines and they were all in my car....go figure They're also pretty keen on the bike being garaged, I only have a carport and the backyard.
I was with Swann yeeeeeeears ago so might give 'em a call and see how they compare.
The thing that also interested me with insuremyride.com.au was that they do a market value which had my bike at $10,200 and it stays fixed for the year which really is like agreed value (in a way). Not bad considering according to QBE the market value of my bike is $5000!!!