Sissy bar and brake lever rattles!

  • Lodgie
    10 years ago

    The breaker lever and quick release sissy bar on my fat bob are rattling up a storm, any solutions guys? Thanks in advance!

  • Bonkerz
    10 years ago
    I've heard of people cutting washers (all sorts including copper and plastic) and slipping them in there, but to me if it's rattling something's not right.
  • Knuckles
    8 years ago

    Same prolem on mine, asked at dealer they said live with it  or buy new brake lever. For sissy bar, check the chrome strip , the  bracket mounts  to on bike. ( not sure what you call it. The chrome that runs along the gaurd with the mounting brackets on it.) Mine was rubbing on the gaurd, not the sissy bar rattling at all

  • `fish
    8 years ago
    I used cloth tape to stop my sissy bar rattling.
    Its like insulation tape, but made of black cloth for wrapping wiring looms.
    Cut a small piece to put around each mount point for the bar, works a treat.