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Marks on Fat Boy forks

  • binnsy
    10 years ago

    Hi all, got some general road marks on the bottom half of the front forks on my `07 Fatboy.  They have been made I imagine by general wear and tear and flicking up from the road.  They are like little pit marks and are a bit annoying.

    Many moons ago I used a very fine 1200-1400 wet and dry on some alloy car wheels and they came up a treat.  Am just wondering should I do the same with the HD or are the forks coated with something.  Any ideas to get rid of these marks would be appreciated.  Have attched a couple of pics so you can see what Im on about.  Thanks.


  • uttukaos
    10 years ago
    gday binnsy, easy one mate, go to bunnings and get a metal polishing kit that fits in your drill..they are in the tool section and comes with the polishing wheel, 2 different buffs and 2 diff polish sticks..1x white and 1x grey...then pull the wheel off and get stuck into it..wont take long and they come up sweet....Dave
  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Awesome, thanks Dave. Looks the goods. Off to Bunnings tomorrow then.
  • uttukaos
    10 years ago

    no probs, you will be happy with the results...smiley

  • chopa
    10 years ago
    Looking at that I would say it probably still has clearcoat on there so you might need to rub them down with fine grade wet and dry first
  • uttukaos
    10 years ago

    dont need to, a mate of mine is a metal polisher and he told me just to polish them straight up and he was forks come up sweet with just using the kit i put the link up to, one of the polish sticks is a cutting compound and the other is just hard polish for getting it as shiny as you want...Dave..

  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Thanks, I thought it looked like there was clear coat on them. Will see if the cutting stuff will get rid of it. I would imagine as uttukaos said, it will work that way.
  • uttukaos
    10 years ago

    i had the clearcoat on mine still at the time and my forks were about 10x worse than yours binnsy and it worked a treat..i wish i done before and afters now, you wouldnt believe that they are the same happy now anyway cos i was looking around for a new set of lowers to fit before the mate showed me how simple it was to clean them up..a hell of a lot cheaper than newys..

  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Did one side fork tonight and it came up a treat. I actually use wet and dry and the Josco polishing kit. When I have them both finished I will post a pick for comparison with how they used to look.
  • binnsy
    10 years ago

    Bit of an update for those considering doing this job.
    I have done one fork so far and used a cross between wet and dry and the Josco polishing kit from bunnings.  Pretty happy with the results.  The pics tell the story comapared to the photos at the start of this post.  Thanks everyone for your input.  




  • binnsy
    10 years ago

    Bit of an update for those considering doing this job.
    I have done one fork so far and used a cross between wet and dry and the Josco polishing kit from bunnings.  Pretty happy with the results.  The pics tell the story comapared to the photos at the start of this post.  Thanks everyone for your input.  




  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Sorry, posted the pic twice and cant delete it.
  • chriso
    10 years ago
    Geez mate they came up a treat.
    Good job
  • markwoumla
    10 years ago
    +1 on a good result ... The front forks on older bikes can always do with a good touch up like you have done ... How much time did you take, to get the results shown on both forks ?? Cheers.
  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Ha ha, about 2 hours per fork, so wasnt too bad.
  • binnsy
    10 years ago

    All done, came up a treat. Sorry, shit pics taken on my phone.  


  • FLHuTChU
    10 years ago
    Well done. Good outcome. Best priced elbow grease.
  • chopa
    10 years ago
    Maybe try some purple polish to keep them upto scratch as it's not as harsh as autosol
    But i must say they came up awesome
  • DR
    10 years ago

    +1 for autosol, I used green scotch brite and autosol to remove clear coat. Then a lot of elbow grease with autosol on clear rags and it came up a treat.

  • binnsy
    10 years ago
    Good luck guys. Can't wait to see the pics. I also use mothers Chrome polish as well. It's also not as harsh as autosol and gives an amazing shine.