Bought a Garmin Zumo 390 Motorcycle GPS for $530- online .The supplied bracket with a double knuckle and U bolt was just not going to cut it on the Streety . Ordered 76000192A black bracket from Harley for $150- . It says it will fit Zumo 660/665 , but the 390 definately fits .Looks good , I,m happy .
Looks like a nice neat fittment. Does not vibrate to much?.
Hutch , this is how mine is mounted .
I should get mine next week Tim and see how it fits.
Fits like it should Timmy.
Just had to drill the backing plate mounting holes out to 5mm as the tomtom has 5mm threads instead of the 4mm for the zumo,
but easy peasy if anyone wants to fit one of these to their tourer then they do fit.
Bloody blurry shot sorry but the lower right part is the backing plate for the tomtom at the top.
Time to have a beer I say Tim.