• catman
    10 years ago

     I need a new set of tyres for my v rod, what is everybody running?

    i ordered a set of metzler marathon me 880 from Kelly bros on ebay for $599 delivered in standard sizes but they only have rears left so cancelled the order.

    Is anybody running a 260/40 rear and if so what do they do to the handling ?

    thanks greg


  • hquick
    10 years ago
    I just installed a Metz880....280/35 on the back of my F.
    Feels good/tight on the road. Quite a lot of guys in the US are running the 280.

  • ralphski
    10 years ago
    done about 10000 on a Metz 880 ( front ), maybe get 13000-14000 out of it. no issues with it.
    done about 6000 on a Pirelli N /D ( rear ), maybe get 10000-11000 out of it. i like this tyre.
    tyre's are a personal choice, your riding style plays a big part in your requirements.
    anything are better than the standard Dunnies!
  • allde
    10 years ago

    I'm due to change mine soon, debating over the Avons, Michelin Commander II Motorcycle Tires or the Metzlers.
  • catman
    10 years ago

    Think I m gunna do a 260/40-18 Metz 880 look good .

    got a price from p Stevens and was the same as best price I have seen on the net $425 , has anybody seen better price delivered

    thanks Greg

  • catman
    10 years ago

    Hquick that does look tough did you have any clearance issues or was it all good.

    from what I ve read the 280 doesn t sit much wider than the 260 due to the tyre roll when fitted to the rim.

    regards GregGreg

  • gcase2009
    10 years ago
    hi everyone. Check out the website for the Michellin Commander 2. Iv'e just put them on my 09 muscle and they hang really good and I really lean her over. I've ridden in the recent storms up here in qld with no slip. Highly recommend and will stick with them and pardon my language but the cheapest price fitted was from the jap shop team moto. I paid $326 about $60 cheaper on the rear which is a 240 than anyone else. Supposed to get a few thousand extra ks too.
  • walka
    10 years ago
    $599.00, you got riped, I sell Metzlers 110/90-19 Front and 240/40-18 retail $511.00, and $444.00 the pair with the discount I offer to the forum,,,, $491.00 with a 260 Rear
  • walka
    10 years ago
    Metzler ME 880 Melbourne to sydney $25
  • hquick
    10 years ago
    I got a Metz 880 ... 280.35.18 from a guy on ebay for $275. Said he can get more...but haven't heard back from him as yet.
  • catman
    10 years ago


    sorry I took so long to reply but been a bit hectic of late.

    those prices of yours look really good and I hope to be able to do some business 

     in the future.

    What is the easiest way to find members business details on this site so that we can look here first  when wanting new items for our rides.

    don,t. Expect to much as I am not real flash with computer skills so make life easy





  • walka
    10 years ago
    Just call me is the best 03 8405 9212
  • Mtat
    9 years ago
    I'm running the stock Michellen scorchers on my 14 VRSCD, I've done 13,000 km/s so far and they look like they will do over 20,000 km/s easily, the tyres have been perfect, no issues at all and I've also had a plug in the rear since 5,000 km/s. Was thinking of going to Metzler 260 when due for a change. However, have been told by a mate who just put one on that they affect the handling, (cornering) and they only last about 10,000 km/s. So when due I'll probably put on Michellens again.
  • catman
    9 years ago
    have recently put a 260/35/18 metzler on and done about 1000 ks can t really notice any difference in the handling , but they look trick.
    they are a soft tyre and will be interested to see how long the rear lasts .
    i got approx 13k out of the original rear tyre
  • gcase2009
    9 years ago

    gday guys. I have put about 12000ks on my 240 michellin commanda 2 and have probably another 3 or 4 thousand left. Put it on last September so thats pretty good. Been a good all round tyre but am gonna try an avon or me880 cause they're a more rounded tyre better for leaning over which I do alot. Never considered this before used to lean over onto the lip of the other tyres so that's one for everyone to remember. do you like to lean and scrape or power along alot straighter.

  • gcase2009
    9 years ago
    g'day all. To hquick it's been a while since your initial post so was wondering how you went with the metz880 280. How did it wear and how was the rounded tyre on the muscle any issues with going 2 sizes larger than recommended. I run a commander 240 which is flatter but would like to go larger but Harley Australia has said stay with the 240.
  • hquick
    9 years ago
    No problem with the 280 at all mate. Seems to be wearing great also. Only thing I noticed is it tips into corners easier.....guessing because it's slightly more rounded.
  • gcase2009
    9 years ago
    just got back from a 3000k run and my rear commander still has plenty tread that's just on 17000ks so far. Front commander has done 8000ks and still look like new. Dunlop gave me around 10000ks but good tyre. Ive found my like.
  • Stuntrider666
    8 years ago

    How wide can you fit to the standard rear onrim on Nightrod special 2015

  • hquick
    8 years ago