Heard on the local Radio today about a ride to help the Leukemia foundation. Starts at 10:00 Saturday the 8th at the Royal Hotel Moonta. Cost $10.
Finish about 15:00 back at Moonta.
It,s an U.G.L.Y. bartender fundraiser from the Moonta Hotel . Lots of locals up there with Harleys , good bunch of lads . Anyone else keen to do this one ?
You,d hve to be at Moonta 9.30 am . I would organise to meet the Kadina lads and ride to Moonta with them . Leave Adelaide 7ish .
Sorry I am out. Of to the west coast Thursday for a few days.
Same sort of thing G.T , but other pubs . Spoke to the Kadina lads , and they,re all going .
Nomada woulda gone on this run ..............
Should only be a narrow band of showers. See ya's there!
Top day out with fellow Forumites . As soon as we left Moonta the pace was crackin and it definately didn,t slow down the entire ride . It was literally a race to the next pub for the whole day !
And to top it off I won the 4.5 litre Jim Beam bottle .