2014 Breakfast Torque
When: Start: 8:00AM, 26 Oct 2014 Finish: 12:00PM, 26 Oct 2014
•Free breakfast for riders til 10am
Where: Waratah Oval 40 Rawson Ave, Sutherland
New location - new time
This year's Breakfast Torque will be held at Waratah Oval on Rawson Avenue at Sutherland. Due to the increasing popularity of this event over the last few years, more space was needed and the nearby Waratah Oval fits the bill perfectly.
New Venue this year.
Located just down the highway (to the north of Loftus Oval), Waratah Oval is situated opposite Loftus TAFE on Rawson Avenue. There is extensive off-street parking for motorcycles on the western side, and the oval itself is surrounded by a cycle track which will be used for the riding demos. The large AFL field allows for even more stalls, displays and activities