Aftermarket solo seat for Slim

  • kahuna
    10 years ago

    Anyone kno of a good comfy solo seat for a Slim?

    The stock one is unbearable after 1hr in the seat. Ive seen a LePera "Bare Bones" seat advertised in magazines and was wondering if anyone has any idea on them.

    Wondering what other seats are out there as the Slim seat is only compatable with the Blackline

    This is the Lepera seat

  • fatbat
    10 years ago
    That bare bones looks good but you'd be going backwards in terms of comfort. Have a look at the mustang seat website the vintage solo is a good one but all of their seats are good and more comfy than stock. Then order from m&m cycles in the USA for the best deal.
  • kahuna
    10 years ago

    Thx for the info fatbat, it says on their description of compatible seat "NOTE; Will not fit with stock seat.Solos have built in steel support wings to hold up the full width of the foam bucket"

    What does this mean, wont it bolt straight on?